November 4, 2023

The Second CIA And A Second Holocaust

"Or as a staff member of the 1970s congressional investigation of Kennedy’s murder said in an interview with Talbot: “One CIA official told me, ‘So you’re from Congress — what the hell is that to us? You’ll be packed up and gone in a couple of years, and we’ll still be here.’” - Jon Schwarz, "A New Biography Traces The Pathology of Allen Dulles And His Appalling Cabal," The Intercept, November 2, 2015.

An excerpt from Jon Schwarz's "A New Biography Traces The Pathology of Allen Dulles And His Appalling Cabal," The Intercept, November 2, 2015:

AS I READ The Devil’s Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America’s Secret Government, a new book by Salon founder David Talbot, I couldn’t help thinking of an obscure corner of 1970s history: the Safari Club.

Dulles — the Princeton man and white shoe corporate lawyer who served as CIA director from 1953 to 1961, still the longest tenure in agency history — died in 1969 before the Safari Club was conceived. And nothing about it appears in The Devil’s Chessboard. But to understand the Safari Club is to understand Allen Dulles and his milieu.

Any normal person would likely hear the Safari Club saga as a frightening story of totally unaccountable power. But if there’s one thing to take away from The Devil’s Chessboard, it’s this: Allen Dulles would have seen it differently — as an inspiring tale of hope and redemption.

Because what the Safari Club demonstrates is that Dulles’ entire spooky world is beyond the reach of American democracy. 

. . .Whatever its funding sources, the evidence suggests the Safari Club was largely the initiative of these powerful Americans. According to Heikal, its real origin was when Henry Kissinger, then secretary of state, “talked a number of rich Arab oil countries into bankrolling operations against growing communist influence on their doorstep” in Africa. Alexandre de Marenches, a right-wing aristocrat who headed France’s version of the CIA, eagerly formalized the project and assumed operational leadership. But, Heikal writes, “The United States directed the whole operation,” and “giant U.S. and European corporations with vital interests in Africa” leant a hand. As John K. Cooley, the Christian Science Monitor’s longtime Mideast correspondent, put it, the setup strongly appealed to the U.S. executive branch: “Get others to do what you want done, while avoiding the onus or blame if the operation fails.”

"Secret War Against the Jews: How Western Espionage Betrayed the Jewish People" By John Loftus (Publishers Weekly):

According to one of the authors' anonymous sources, former CIA director Allen Dulles was ``one of the worst traitors in American history'' because of his involvement in the linkage among Nazi corporations, U.S. oil interests and Saudi Arabia in the 1930s. The allegations are synthesized from interviews with some 500 former intelligence officers of various nationalities. The major powers, the authors argue, have repeatedly taken covert action designed to bring about the destruction of Israel, as much out of greed for oil as anti-Semitism. Among the charges made in these pages: Allied leaders conspired to block the creation of the State of Israel in 1948 for fear its presence would threaten the flow of Arab oil to the West. Great Britain and the United States, while pretending to support Israel during the Six-Day War, passed Israeli military secrets to their Arab foes. The Reagan administration tried to set up Israel as the principal scapegoat for the Iran-Contra scandal. Over the past 50 years, virtually every Jew in the world has been the subject of electronic surveillance by the British with the assistance of American intelligence. 
An excerpt from, "The Axis Of Evil — The Safari Club, CIA & B.C.C.I Bank" By Adam Fitzgerald, January 5, 2020:
As the Safari Club was beginning operations, former CIA Director Richard Helms and agent Theodore Shackley were under scrutiny from Congress and feared that new covert operations could be quickly exposed.. Peter Dale Scott has classified the Safari Club as part of the “second CIA” — an extension of the organization’s reach maintained by an autonomous group of key agents. Thus even as Carter’s new CIA director Stansfield Turner attempted to limit the scope of the agency’s operations, Shackley, his deputy Thomas Clines and agent Edwin P. Wilson secretly maintained their connections with the Safari Club and the BCCI.

. . .The goal was pretty straight forward, to stop the impending force of communism from the Soviet Union, by affiliating and financially supporting the “anti-communists”. Here the old adage, “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” would come into play for certain countries of the Safari Club. Although the United States was itself not a member, the CIA led by William Colby (Director) was involved thru back-door deals, continued by it’s next director and even more “fiercely” loyal to the apparatus, George H.W. Bush in 1977. The name of the Safari Club was of course de Marenches idea after his trip with notable associates to a resort in Kenya in 1976 where they first met along with Adham, Ali and Nassiri. It’s headquarters would be in Cairo, Egypt. The Safari Club would begin opening accounts, made thru CIA Director Bush in 1977, using B.C.C.I Bank as its main conduit to funnel large sums of money, to the tune of tens of millions to Saudi arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi who was also close friends with Kamal Adham Saudi Director of the GID. Adham was also appointed by Saudi King Faisal to head the GID as well as begin to have closer affairs with Egypt and it’s State Security Investigations Service intelligence arm.

. . .With the Iranian Revolution in full tilt, the Safari Club ceased operations, but would continue to exist under more covert means. By this time William Casey was now the Director of the CIA and began solidifying the relationship between the United States and Saudi Arabia. They both would use the Soviet-Afghan War as the means to an end, to finally eliminate the Communist bloc from expanding any further, but the final result would have a more far-reaching and dangerous adversary in “Islamic Extremism” which would be supported by the Saudi Kingdom as a means to divert attention away from being itself a victim of said terrorism. Hundreds of millions would find its way to madrassas thru-ought Southeast Asia and in the United States, with the CIA either looking the other way or being completely ignorant of said funding.

These funds would help build and recruit Sunni extremists (Wahhabi) from all over the world, and some even made their way in the states outlined above, where the backlash wouldn’t be felt until the 1990’s. Near the end of the Soviet-Afghan war, the B.C.C.I Bank had now accesses to 4 billion dollars held in 145 branches in 46 countries. With hidden accounts and money laundering from some of the world’s most nefarious individuals including, Osama Bin Laden, Muammar Ghaddafi, Abu Nidal and even the Medellin Cartel. According to a Time Report by Richard Lacayo in 2001, when B.C.C.I had been brought unto the light by a British investigation code-named “Sandstrom” the CIA along with the National Security Agency (United States) had many accounts in the now suspect bank.

Video Title: The Safari Club (The Second CIA). Source: Adam Fitzgerald. Date Published: October 30, 2021. Description:

According to author Mahmood Mamdani, in his book, "Good Muslim, Bad Muslim: A Political Perspective on Culture and Terrorism" A covert intelligence group which consisted of some of the most powerful men in the Arab world came to existence thru documents recovered after the fall of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi (The Shah of Iran) in 1979. 

"The existence of the club came to light after the 1979 Iranian Revolution when Mohamed Heikal, a highly respected Egyptian journalist and onetime advisor to President Nasser, was given permission by the new Khomeini government to go through the deposed Shah's archives. Heikal came upon an agreement setting up a formal association, dated September 1, 1976, and signed by the heads of several intelligence agencies, all strategic allies of the United States in the Cold War." 

The secret organization was known as the "Safari Club". It ran clandestine operations around Africa at a time when the United States Congress had limited the power of the CIA and which also had connection with the Bank of Credit And Commerce (BCCI). The BCCI served to launder money, particularly for Saudi Arabia and the United States—whose CIA director in 1976, George H. W. Bush, had a personal account. BCCI also served as an intelligence gathering mechanism by virtue of its extensive contacts with underground organizations worldwide.

Video Title: John Loftus: Holocaust Remembrance "America's Nazi Secret" "The Secret War Against the Jews." Source: DemoCast. Date Published: May 2, 2011. Description:
How the U.S. worked to not save Jewish lives, but to employ and import Nazi war criminals. The Allies' Arab Nazi connection- the heirs to Hitler's plan, but after Israel's independence, Britain supported the Muslim Brotherhood against Israel