November 2, 2023

Author Joseph Atwill On The Masonic Creation of Zionism

"Palmerston was a dominant figure in European politics from early in the 19th century right up until his death in 1865, Thus as Secretary of War from 1809 to 1828 and Foreign Secretary from 1830 to 1851 he was involved in guiding England's foreign affairs almost throughout the long peaceful interval between the Battle of Waterloo (1815) and the outbreak of the Crimean War (1854)." - The New York Times, May 1971.

Video Title: Joe Atwill on the creation of Zionism WWII. Hidden History. Source: Essential Video Extracts. Date Published: October 14, 2019. 

An excerpt from Joseph Atwill's dialogue in the video below: 
"I don't think that Hitler was organic to the German people. I think that the Nazi party and Hitler had been constructed by the oligarchs going back into the 1840s. It was that long of a project. I'm trying to get more and more actual research scholars to get into this because I really think the evidence is overwhelming and I would love to have just teams of people studying the evidence that traces the construction of the Nazi party going back to Palmerston in 1842 when he made the statement, which was just incredible at the time, he said: "Now is the time for the Jews to return to their homeland." 

Now, Palmerston was reportedly an Anglican. He of course was a huge freemason. In fact when he was in the Orient he was the head. He's the one who actually manned the gunships that slaughtered the Chinese who were trying to resist the opium addiction. And he was also the guy who had ownership of enormous tracts of Ireland and was assisting the creation of what's been called the Irish Holocaust where there was deliberate famine brought against that people and Palmerston was completely involved in that.

Now that's why his statement seems so odd. People say he's a humanist who just loves Jews and wants to help them. Well, he didn't have any humanism when he was slaughtering Chinese or starving Irish. So what is going on there?

And from that moment on, from Palmerston's statement, right through to basically the end of World War II, a very small group is in control, they're creating both Zionism and the Nazi party. And in my opinion they were simply maneuvering the Europeans around the world like pieces on a chessboard. They wanted to reduce the European population and they wanted to move a lot of the European Jews back to Israel. Those were goals. 

And to do this they actually created the history that we experienced as a complete catastrophic devastation of Europe. So I think that's how rough these guys play. 

These assertions cut across all the kind of normal understanding of history, so I'm sure they'll contest it, but if you look at the group that creates the Nazi party you can see they're centered around is what's called the Theosophical society, this is what then eventually creates the Thule society. They rename the organization but it's always the same group. It's the same group that creates the funding for the Nazi party. They create the Masonic right angle swastika. They create the concept of national socialism which they then take into Germany in the 1890s. They created the idea of the Aryan supremacy. These ideas had never been in Europe before. And they all come from the same group. And then they also add antisemitism. 

I'll give you an example of how preposterous this whole thing is. So, they needed anti-Semitism to inflame German sentiment and also to maneuver the Jews in Europe into Israel. So they concocted the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Now the Protocols were found, amazingly, by this woman named Jolinka, who just happened to be one of Helena Blavatsky's close associates and followers. And for a period of time they were necessary to promote anti-Semitism, but the group that is trying to achieve the creation of Israel is obviously very philo-Judaic. In fact I believe the group are crypto Jews. But whatever they are they certainly are promoters of Jewish interests. And so once the intended maneuver has been completed and they have Israel established they have to make sure that the Protocols of the Elders of Zion are brought into control and basically exposed as a fraud because they achieved the goal that they had for them. 

So they find one intrepid literary researcher who just happened to find the manuscript upon which the Protocols were generated. So they exposed the Protocols as a fraud because they were developed from another manuscript. Guess who the guy was, this intrepid literary researcher who found the manuscript that was the basis for the Protocols?

It was Allen Dulles."
Video Title: Heretics Anonymous 3: Joe Atwill on the Hammer of the Oligarchs. Source: Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio. Date Published: December 11, 2018. Description: 
In episode three of Heretics Anonymous, Joe Atwill joins us to explain how the elite have debased and manipulated society across a history they keep rewriting. From the Roman invention of orthodox religion to the banker invention of authoritarian governments, from the Mason engineering of world wars to the Nazi engineering of modern propaganda, we leave no blood-stained stone unturned. In the end, the goals of the oligarchs are ultimately about the extermination of human free thought and free will.