July 10, 2013

Tarpley On Why The Muslim Brotherhood Failed In Egypt - Part II

An excerpt from the article, "Al-Qaradawi stands behind Morsi’s decision to cut off the ties with Syria," (June 17): "Al-Shareq al-Awsat sources point out that “the Egyptian president Muhammad Morsi has met, before two days of deciding to cut off the ties with the Syrian regime, a delegation of 19 Muslims most of them are Salafies headed by the Sheikh Youssef al-Qaradawi."

Tarpley On Why The Muslim Brotherhood Failed In Egypt - Part II

Related: Tarpley On Why The Muslim Brotherhood Failed In Egypt (July 4). (Summary: historian Webster G. Tarpley discusses the IMF angle, and explains how Morsi's failure to confront the IMF and defend the long-established Egyptian system of subsidies led to his political demise).

See: Countercoup by Egyptian Military Blocks Bid by Morsi, Moslem Brotherhood to Usurp War Powers Vs Syria, Ethiopia (July 9).
"It's not precisely a coup. It's a counter-coup. And I say this advisedly. It is not a good idea to engage in the overthrow of governments unless there is a compelling reason. And I say this here in a country like the United States where the cold coup, the palace coup, sometimes under the cover of an election, sometimes under the cover of an assassination. This is now one of the pillars of the way this place is governed, if you want to call it governed. So, don't do this lightly. But is there a compelling reason? I'm afraid in this case there is: to stop a catastrophic foreign war, or wars, because it's more than one.

In the case of Morsi, and you see this in the article that I'm continuously pointing you to, we find that Morsi is guilty of a conspiracy to embroil Egypt in not one, but two wars, and one of those, well maybe both of them, are open-ended, in other words, they could spread far beyond the simple bilateral war, it could become a general war. A general war in the horn of Africa and North Africa, and of course the general war with Syria.

At the beginning of June, just to get this one out of the way cause we won't talk too much about this although this is a real war, it's a very, very serious matter - you have the Nile, and this of course is the lifeblood of Egypt. The Nile goes into Sudan . . . the Nile divides into two parts, the White Nile continues down into Uganda and the lake district of Africa, the Blue Nile goes off to the East into Ethiopia. And of course Ethiopia, acting in a laudable, I would say, understandable, laudable, rational project of national development. Ethiopia wants to do some damming, they want dams, you've got to do this to control floods, to get irrigation, for hydroelectric power, and to fight malaria and other diseases. So it's absolutely essential.

So these Muslim Brotherhood crazies, Salafists, and crazies around Morsi held a meeting at the beginning of June where they were on TV but they didn't realize they were on TV and they talked about we're going to stop Ethiopia from building this Dam cause it might have some influence on the amount of water. Although Lake Nasser is full of water, I've flown over it, and you see this huge lake that goes for hundreds of miles on the Upper Nile in Southern Egypt. These Islamists, these, again, reckless, irresponsible, crazy, terroristic people, say, well, what we'll do is we'll foment a rebellion inside Ethiopia, we will fund terror groups in Ethiopia to sabotage the Dam and/or we'll send the Egyptian air force to bomb the Dam. And of course these amateurs, rank incompetence, right, this is worse than a crime, it's an error, they didn't know that they were on live TV. So the entire incendiary discussion goes over the television and you'd think that Morsi would come out and say, 'No, I'm committed to peace.' He doesn't do that. He comes out on TV and says all options are open. Okay, so that's bad enough, that's already grounds to overthrow the guy because what he's trying to do is, you can just hear, by funding terror groups and then somehow hijacking the Egyptian air force, this is already extra-constitutional. He's not talking about any process of law. 

And then the other one of course is Syria, and it goes back to these events around the middle of June. One is one the 13th of June, we have this gathering of extremists, sectarians, it's called The Position of the Egyptian Nation's Scholars on the Developments in Syria. And Morsi attended this. And these were warmonger extremists, Sunni sectarians, saying that you've got to do something about Syria. And one of the people there is this guy Qaradawi. Now, when you think of Al Jazeera, think about the Arabic service, the one you don't see here. Here you see, in the West, British advisers, their venom and animus, their anti-Americanism is clear enough. But this Qaradawi is several degrees worse. Qaradawi appears on the Arabic service of Al Jazeera, estimated 60 million viewers, the program is called Sharia and Life, and Qaradawi incites violence. He just incites violence, he says, 'Mr. X, why is he still alive? Why doesn't somebody go and liquidate Mr. X or Madame Y,' things like this. In other words, the direct incitement of violence and mayhem, not some theoretical proposition, you know, 'the infidels and heretics should be wiped out,' no, but specific people should be wiped out.

So Morsi went to that and didn't distance himself. At this meeting, one of the propositions they developed is that Egyptian citizens can and should volunteer to go to Syria and fight in the war. . . . Then, even worse, the next day, this is really the big one, this is at a rally of about 20,000 people at an indoor stadium in Cairo, and here we have a speech by Morsi where he says we're breaking diplomatic relations with Syria, we've decided to close down the Syrian embassy in Cairo, the Egyptian envoy in Damascus will be withdrawn, and the people of Egypt and its army will not leave Syrians until their rights are granted and the newly elected leadership is chosen. Now, this is a serious matter. Libya and Tunisia had already broken diplomatic relations, two Arab Spring puppet states, Tunisia especially, run by the Muslim Brotherhood, these slimy characters.

The second problem though is that Egypt and Syria were for a time one country. This was the United Arab Republic, from '58 to '61, at the high tide of Nasser's pan-Arabism. This was one country, one flag, and the Syrian flag with the two stars that they had during that time, I think the two stars are Egypt and Syria. So then Morsi says we should have a no-fly zone over Syria, but then he says, at the same time, no foreign intervention. Now this is the classic Muslim Brotherhood double-talk. 'We need a no-fly zone, call for a no-fly zone, but no foreign intervention.' What he means by foreign intervention is Hezbollah has to get out of Syria, no place for Hezbollah in Syria, he's got his advisers, some of his advisers are Salafists. He claims that there is a campaign of extermination led by foreign countries, and he doesn't mean Qatar and Saudi Arabia that fund the death squads, he means Iran and Hezbollah that are sending people in. So, Syria got the idea right away. Syria said Morsi has joined the conspiracy of incitement led by the United States and Israel against Syria, this is irresponsible, we condemn it.

But, then, in the same rally, we had other of these extreme, irresponsible sectarians, they're saying down with the infidels and infidels mean Shiites, so Shiites in Egypt are bad, it's about one percent, Shiites in Syria or Iran or Hezbollah, these are all bad, so you get the idea. Now, the army was appalled.        

The counter-coup in Egypt is therefore the military stopping Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood gang from embroiling Egypt in two-plus wars. One with Ethiopia and one with Syria. And the evidence is public. In the case of Ethiopia, it's a confab of crazies talking about how they're going to start a war with Ethiopia, and in the case of Syria it's from the horse's mouth, meaning at this rally in Cairo on the 15th. Morsi shot his mouth off about breaking diplomatic relations and it was a very rhetorical performance. He's up there with Qaradawi, who wants everybody around Assad dead yesterday. So there are two issues. One is the Morsi entourage says we're encouraging people in effect to go, they're calling for volunteers to go and fight on the terrorist side in Syria, but then there is even the question of the Egyptian military.

The very day after Morsi made this warmonger speech the military issued a veiled rebuke, apparently bland according to the Irish Times, . . . saying the only role of the Egyptian military is to guard the borders of the nation, not to look for fights elsewhere. 

By doing this, the Morsi group crossed a national security red line. And not only with the army.

This is a counter-coup. It's a coup designed to stop a coup that's already in motion aiming at war, war with Ethiopia, war with Syria, wider wars. And it's not just the Egyptian army that was appalled by this, but also the bureaucracy. The Egyptian bureaucracy going back to the Ottoman empire, . . .the British, Nasser, it's a formidable power, they're not happy with this performance by Morsi in the mass meeting with 20,000 people in Cairo in the indoor stadium on June 15 when he broke diplomatic relations with Syria and was hinting at sending volunteers and worse. The idea was sending the army, as much as he could. According to Al-Ahram, powerful bureaucrats saw the damage coming from this performance by Morsi as irreversible. The breaking of diplomatic relations with Syria was a decision by the President against the advice of the top people in the foreign ministry and the presidential office." - Historian Webster G. Tarpley [From 7:45 - 24:50].     
Summary: Morsi overreached by sidestepping the military and Egyptian people on serious foreign policy decisions. He made the generals uneasy when he began declaring a Jihad against Syria and committing Egypt to the ongoing aggressive war against the regional enemies of the United States and Israel. Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood were also using irresponsible and warmongering rhetoric against Ethiopia, saying on live television that they would consider using the Egyptian air force to bomb the Renaissance Dam project. The Egyptian military and bureaucracy were troubled by these developments and saw Morsi and the people around him as a threat to Egypt's national security. 

Source: YouTube Channel TheRiverMersey.