October 25, 2023

The Gospel of Caesar And Caesar's Messiah

"Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's." Photo is from HBO's Rome.

Throughout the ages, men have always remembered and deified great conquerors, not philosophers, priests, rabbis, and messianic prophets. They are the models that people draw inspiration from because they led their men into battle, faced the enemy, and won glory. 

Even in our own era, the names of Napoleon and Washington come to mind when thinking of the Revolutionary Wars. They dominate our historical memories more so than a Locke, a Rousseau, or a Thomas Paine. And we remember them more passionately because we know only the sword brings victory and glory to individuals, peoples, and nations. No holy book has ever conquered a nation. No philosopher has ever claimed the worship of the people. No priest or prophet has ever won a war. Generals win wars.

What we know currently about the Abrahamic faith, whose true believers threaten world peace presently, is very little because the mythical origins of this religious tradition are still considered too taboo to discuss in mainstream discourse. 

We don't know for certain how or why the Bible and the Koran were written and compiled. The author Ralph Ellis says Jesus was a real king from the Kingdom of Edessa whose legacy was erased by the Romans. Francesco Carotta says Jesus was based on the life of Julius Caesar. Joseph Atwill says he was based on another Roman Emperor, that of Titus who was born nearly a century after Caesar was assassinated.

It is hard to make sense of these theories, but some things are not totally lost to history. It is not far-fetched to assume that the figures of Jesus Christ and Muhammad were invented for religio-political purposes by ambitious, world conquering empires. One was created to pacify an extreme religious movement, the other to legitimize and expand a new one. Both began as state-created cults that developed sects and grew beyond even the imaginations of its creators.

As Joseph Atwill has said in numerous interviews in the defense of his controversial 2005 book, "Caesar's Messiah," the cult of Christianity was an imperial instrument for the religious pacification of the hardline Jewish faction that seized power in Judea to throw out Rome. He says Roman rulers wanted to create a pacifist religion to take hold in the Holy Land to encourage rebellious Jews to lay down their arms and accept the new state-approved peaceful Messiah. 

Ultimately Judea was pacified through brutal military campaigns, and the cult of Christianity took on a life of its own in the proceeding centuries, including spawning Islam in the 7th century.

Francesco Carotta (born 1946 in Veneto, Italy) is an Italian writer who developed a theory that the historical Jesus was based on the life of Julius Caesar, that the Gospels were a rewriting of Roman historical sources, and that Christianity developed from the cult of the deified Caesar. This theory is generally ignored in academic circles.
Caesar's Messiah is a 2005 book by Joseph Atwill that argues that the New Testament Gospels were written by a group of individuals connected to the Flavian family of Roman emperors: Vespasian, Titus and Domitian. The authors were mainly Flavius Josephus, Berenice, and Tiberius Julius Alexander, with contributions from Pliny the Elder. Although Vespasian and Titus had defeated Jewish nationalist Zealots in the First Jewish–Roman War of 70 AD, the emperors wanted to control the spread of Judaism and moderate its political virulence and continuing militancy against Rome. Christianity, a pacifist and pro-Roman authority religion, was their solution.
Video Title: The Gospel of Caesar. Source: God Spanker. Date Published: March 9, 2013. 
Documentary film about a linguist (Francesco Carotta) and a Catholic priest, who search for and find the origins of Christianity and the real historical Jesus: Julius Caesar.

Video Title: TV Interview with Joseph Atwill - The Roman Creation of Christianity. Source: rodephemet. Date Published: April 28, 2011. Description: 
Joseph Atwill author of Caesar's Messiah on Rodeph Emet TV explains that the Gospels are good news of military victory. Why would the Romans go to the trouble of writing and disseminating such a text? The Jewish War, culminating in the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem in 70 CE, had devastated the Mediterranean economy, and the Romans were anxious to prevent another messianic outbreak, which could easily lead to another 500,000 deaths-as the Bar Kochba revolt would demonstrate a generation later. In order to make any reconstruction of the country lasting, the Romans needed to offer the Jews alternative stories that would distract them from the messianic messages inherent in the Torah, and persuade them to accept Roman values.
Atwill from the interview below:
"There's actually a fifth book to the Gospels and that's 'The Wars of the Jews' which is the history of Flavius Josephus of Titus's campaign. And what's interesting is that, that book, though is no longer recognized essentially as part of the canon, was attached to some of the very early versions of the Gospels. And the reason they did that is because the early Christian scholars recognized that all of Jesus's prophecies, his overt prophecies, are coming to pass in the war that Titus waged against the Jews."
Video Title: Proof Romans Invented Jesus Christ - The Flavian Signature. Source: CAESAR'S MESSIAH. Date Published: March 25, 2013. Description: 
Joseph Atwill's book, "Caesar's Messiah: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus", gives us a revolutionary new understanding of the origin of Christianity, who was the real Jesus (Son of Man), what is the New Testament, and how Christ's second coming already happened. In this short explanatory video, Atwill presents concepts from The Flavian Signature chapter in the latest edition of his book. The Flavian Signature refers to the parallels Atwill discovered which link the Jesus story in the Gospels to the military campaign of the Roman Caesar Titus Flavius in the histories of Josephus. Atwill shows how these parallels prove that the story of Jesus is not historical, and that it was the Flavian court who authored the Gospels - thus leaving their "signature", the "Flavian Signature", in the Gospels for posterity to discover and recognize.