October 28, 2023

A Conversation on Caesar's Messiah Thesis - Acharya S & Joseph Atwill


"At the beginning of this same year Titus Caesar, who had been selected by his father to complete the subjugation of Judea, and who had already won distinction as a soldier while both were still private citizens, began to enjoy greater power and reputation, for provinces and armies now vied with one another in enthusiasm for him. Moreover, in his own conduct, wishing to be thought greater than his fortune, he always showed himself dignified and energetic in the field; by his affable address he called forth devotion, and he often mingled with the common soldiers both at work or on the march without impairing his position as general. He found awaiting him in Judea three legions, Vespasian's old troops, the Fifth, the Tenth, and the Fifteenth. He reinforced these with the Twelfth from Syria and with some soldiers from the Twenty-second and the Third which he brought from Alexandria; these troops were accompanied by twenty cohorts of allied infantry, eight squadrons of cavalry, as well as by the princes Agrippa and Sohaemus, the auxiliaries sent by King Antiochus, and by a strong contingent of Arabs, who hated the Jews with all that hatred that is common among neighbours; there were besides many Romans who had been prompted to leave the capital and Italy by the hope that each entertained of securing the prince's favour while he was yet free from engagements. With these forces Titus entered the enemy's land: his troops advanced in strict order, he reconnoitred at every step and was always ready for battle; not far from Jerusalem he pitched camp.

However, as I am about to describe the last days of a famous city, it seems proper for me to give some account of its origin." - Tacitus, "The Histories" Book V.

Video Title: A Conversation on Caesar's Messiah Thesis - Acharya S & Joseph Atwill. Source: Caesar's Messiah. Date Published: November 7, 2022. Description: 


Filmed during the making of the Caesar's Messiah documentary, this conversation between Acharya Sanning (AKA, D.M. Murdock) and Joseph Atwill is illuminating on the subject of the Flavian Caesar's inventing Jesus. Filmed by Fritz Heede & Nijole Sparkis