September 30, 2023

How Khalistanis Plotted Canada's Worst Terror Attack | Flashback with Palki Sharma

The British Empire never forgave India for independence. Its historic grudge partly explains why a lot of the Khalistan nonsense has been allowed to fester in its former colonies and its artificially created garrison state called Pakistan. Even dead and toothless empires have long memories. 


Air India Flight 182 was an Air India flight operating on the Montreal–London–Delhi–Bombay route. On 23 June 1985, it was operated using Boeing 747-237B registered VT-EFO. The aircraft suffered a catastrophic decompression mid-air en route from Montreal to London at an altitude of 31,000 feet (9,400 m) over the Atlantic Ocean as a result of an explosion from a bomb planted by terrorists.

The bombing of Air India Flight 182 is the worst terrorist attack in Canadian history and the deadliest aviation incident in the history of Air India. Additionally, it was the world's deadliest act of aviation terrorism until the September 11 attacks in 2001. The bomber was Inderjit Singh Reyat, a dual British-Canadian national and he pleaded guilty in 2003.

Video Title: How Khalistanis Plotted Canada's Worst Terror Attack | Flashback with Palki Sharma. Source: Firstpost. Date Published: September 30, 2023. Description:

The Kanishka bombing of 1985 remains the worst terror attack in Canada's history. Just years before the attack, India had sought the extradition of the mastermind - Talwinder Singh Parmar. Why did Canada reject India's request? Did Canadian negligence lead to the death of 329 people? Tune in to Flashback with Palki Sharma and find out.