September 29, 2023

A Tangled Web


All politics is theatre.

"Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!" - Sir Walter Scott.

In the Canadian Parliament the Holocaust industry triumphed over the new poor kid on the block, the Ukraine clan. 

The act of applauding and honouring a Ukrainian Nazi veteran in Parliament was an incredible own-goal by Trudeau and Zelensky.

For a brief moment the two cokeheads must have forgotten that world history does not revolve around them or around Ukraine. Larger issues are at play. Bigger narratives need to be protected. An entire post-World War mythology is at stake here.

The public validation of the Ukrainian historical experience during World War II will never go over well in the West because they were on the losing side. Politically it's a dead end. It's history. And history can't be rewritten in any legislature but on the battlefield.

Everyone is both a victim and a hero in their own story. Apart from the few sadists of history like Lavrentiy Beria, Stalin's enforcer, people who commit mass murder or join organizations that do don't believe they are guilty. They tell themselves stories that amplify their victimhood status and find ways to justify their atrocities.

Of course, there were genuine victims in WWII, but Ukrainian Nazis do not fall into that category.

Eastern Europe got the short end of the stick in WWII. Poles were slaughtered by the Soviets and Nazis, and betrayed by their American and British allies. Read Arthur Bliss Lane's book, "I Saw Poland Betrayed." Lane was the American ambassador to Poland after the war but resigned in protest in 1947 when the Communists took over.

It is only a matter of time when Ukraine will be betrayed too. Their usefulness will run its course. It is a distraction that will pass. The so-called military offensives are farces. They're drilling their heads against a brick wall.

The real criminal party in this conflict is NATO.

NATO is guilty of the assisted suicide of Ukraine. The survival of Ukraine as a viable nation state was being asked upon its founding, today its dissolution is inevitable.