June 12, 2023

The Long Charade of U.S.-Iran Nuclear Negotiations Continues


The United States and the Islamic Republic of Iran are led by cowards and idiots.

For two decades now the United States, Israel, and the West have flirted with attacking Iran, using the nuclear file as an excuse to mask their aggression as a preventive action and in accordance with international law.

But as we've seen time and again there is no such thing as international law. Putin finally realized this truth and acted, albeit reluctantly, in Ukraine. 

The Western press can mock Putin all they want, call him evil, paint him as the Hitler of our day, but at least he's not a coward like Western leaders. The British PM, Macron, Trudeau, Scholz, Biden, Trump, none of them are in the same league as him as far as world leaders go. Who are these buffoons? Nobodies. That's how history will remember them.

People talk about the Western alliance. What is the Western alliance? Washington and its dumb minions. It's the blind leading the blind. What great foe has this formidable power conquered? A couple of isolated thugs in the Arab world? Knocking out Saddam and Gaddafi are not major accomplishments. When the history of the American empire is written it will not say it fought great enemies and went out admirably. 

As for the religious fanatics who rule Iran and Israel, they do not have the popular legitimacy, regional standing, or international backing to withstand a prolonged, costly, and catastrophic war. They are chest beaters, nothing more.


After then U.S. President Donald Trump quit the Iran nuclear deal in 2018, Tehran ramped up uranium enrichment. Israeli and Western officials say it could switch from enrichment at 60 percent fissile purity to 90 percent—weapons-grade—within a few weeks.

In a 2012 U.N. speech, Netanyahu deemed 90 percent enrichment by Iran a "red line" that could trigger preemptive strikes.

Military experts are divided, however, on whether Israel—whose advanced military is believed to be nuclear-armed—has the conventional clout to deliver lasting damage to Iranian targets that are distant, dispersed, and well-defended.
A renewed crisis over Iran would come at a bad time for U.S. President Joe Biden who is focused on maintaining allies' support for the war in Ukraine and on rallying Western countries to push back on China's military and diplomatic ambitions.

But while some White House aides may prefer to keep Iran off the president's desk, officials and analysts suggested they may not have that luxury.

"They are busy with Ukraine, Russia and they don't want, for the time being, to open another front," said a Western diplomat on condition of anonymity. "Therefore, they want to do everything in their power to prevent this (90%) from happening."