December 21, 2022

The Ukraine Money Pit

An excerpt from, "Got $50B? IMF's Ukraine Money Pit & Franklin Templeton" International Political Economy Zone:

I am unsure of many, many things, but this I know: Ukraine is a bottomless money pit. I figured this out a long time ago when I said that if the West really wanted to "punish" Russia, it should have let the Putinists "have" Ukraine. Think of the untold sums of money the Russians would have wasted instead of the West. Predictably if stupidly enough, the powers-that-be thought that the "country" of Ukraine was worth saving and have forced the IMF to act on their cause. You can read the hilarious econospeak elsewhere, but the situation remains the same: they believe a financial fix is possible for an ongoing security crisis. I have never heard of such a thing.

[I] As I keep repeating, there is no such country "Ukraine" anymore as the Crimea has been annexed and its eastern parts are controlled by externally-funded militias. To expect "Ukraine" to pull through is like expecting "Afghanistan" or "Somalia" to do the same--these are failed states whose problems are far beyond the salvation of IMF-style financial fixes. If there were IMF peacekeeping forces I'd be a smidgen more optimistic about its prospects, but no. Why does the IMF persist in this nonsense, though? Again, Western powers-that-be have forced it to "do something" about Ukraine despite its unsuitability to the task of keeping a crumbling nation apart.

An excerpt from, "Biden wants to continue pouring tens of billions of dollars down the Ukraine money pit while Americans suffer" Natural News, September 7, 2022:

The Western globalist elite have drawn a line in the sand when it comes to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and they are making their respective citizens pay for a decision few, if any, of them had a hand in making.

Truth be told, while most Westerners sympathize with Ukraine, despite its history of gross corruption, including with Western leaders like Joe Biden and his scandalous son, Hunter Biden, they also know that their own countries need lots of attention especially when it comes to rebuilding fossil fuel infrastructure after seeing it dismantled for decades thanks to an insane over-reliance on unstable ‘green energy’ that is much more expensive.