December 17, 2022

A Pro-West Iran Checkmates Russia And Contains China

The radical Leftists and Islamists have had their fun, but now it's time for the adults to reclaim the West and Iran or else both civilizations will go down in flames.

"A pro-west Iran is more dangerous than a nuclear Iran. If a pro west regime comes to power in Iran, Russia’s collapse will begin at the same time.” - Rajab Safarov, Director of Center for Contemporary Iran Studies.

"Moscow’s power keeps expanding. The Saudis have essentially declared global jihad against Iranian interests everywhere. A nuke or two in Iran’s arsenal won’t affect Tehran’s strategic quandary. The only card they have to play, especially against Moscow, is to pivot Westward. A pro-West Iran opens a roadway to Central Asia and the Stans, all Iran’s neighbors, all of whom have fallen back under Moscow’s sway. Iran can become a trade pathway that can liberate an entire swath of Asia’s resources from Russia’s grip." - Melik Kaylan, "Is The Iran Deal Good Or Bad?" Forbes, November 25, 2013.

"Also, and perhaps wrongly, many in the region believe and fear that a pro-West Iran is a much bigger strategic prize for the United States than for the Gulf states. The United States would certainly welcome strategic changes that would bring it closer to a millennium- old civilization: a huge market, an educated population and a geographically appealing location. As a reminder of US past inclinations, the twin-pillar strategy of the 1970s initially rested on Iran: Saudi Arabia, the second and 'weaker' pillar, was only added at the urging of State Department Arabists and for its financial power." - Matteo Legrenzi, "The GCC and the International Relations of the Gulf: Diplomacy, Security and Economic Coordination in a Changing Middle East" 2015.

"With these new geopolitical developments, Iran is also benefiting from its geographical centrality, connecting regional sub-systems in Eurasia, the Persian Gulf, and South Asia through to China. Russian commodities and energy could be transferred through Iran's route. Imposing sanctions on Russia has increased Iran and Russia's economic ties meaningfully for the first time. Russia’s Gazprom has signed a $40 billion MOU with the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) in order to flow investment into Iran’s energy sector. Previously, Iran and China signed a "25-Year Comprehensive Partnership" economic cooperation agreement. The instigation of a "North-South Corridor" will accelerate the process of regional supply chains and energy between Russia, Azerbaijan, Iran and India. This development is an opportunity for Iran to follow active economic diplomacy in its neighborhood and access landlocked Eurasian regional markets, as well as sideline routes in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Afghanistan. Indeed, Iran could act as a connecting sea and land point through the Caspian Sea and the Persian Gulf in this emerging Asian geopolitical alliance." - Kayhan Barzegar, "Towards an Asian Geopolitical Alliance" Institut Montaigne, October 20, 2022.

Anti-imperialism politics has run its course. The leftists and Islamists have seen history pass them by, but they are not wise enough to submit to the new realities. Instead, they want to hold onto power by any means necessary, from benign censorship to extreme force, all the while playing the victimization card.

How long can one claim victimhood and bring up past transgressions? Enough is enough.

What's the point of resisting the West if the new, bigger threat comes from the East?

The danger is trading in one superpower for another, one that is even more totalitarian, ruthless, and globally ambitious. But that is what the imbeciles in Iran, Pakistan, and other Asian and African nations are currently doing by accepting Chinese money. 

When the debt comes due, China will be as forgiving as the anti-growth criminal banksters who rule the West.

While it is true that China doesn't interfere in the political and domestic affairs of other countries it does throw its economic weight around to their detriment. 

Nobody wants Chinese goods, and yet the whole world is flooded with their junk. Our economies have been degraded and devalued with their cheap stuff.

It was American corporate greed and Cold War geopolitics that unleashed the menacing Chinese dragon, and so it must now lead a global collective effort to collect it from the wild and keep it under lock and key. 

The beast can't be killed but if the surrounding prey can be protected then it won't grow as large as it has the potential to be.