September 3, 2016

Some History On The Veil

A woman in Manbij in Syria sets fire to her burqa after the city was liberated from ISIS which had imposed a strict dress code on women during its brief rule.

Islam took something colorful and positive, in this case women's clothing and veiling, and made it dark and negative.

As author Nancy Marie Brown says in this lecture, Muslims did the same thing with chess pieces, making the game more bland and boring by taking the life out of it. It was the Europeans who resurrected the game and livened it again by adding character to the pieces. 

France, England, and other European societies should do the same with the veil, and make it more colorful and attractive to the eyes. The all black burqa is not a happy sight. But outright banning Islamic veils with the use of force is also not a sensible solution. It doesn't make any sense to invite millions of refugees and migrants from Muslim lands, whether for political, economic, demographic, or humanitarian reasons, and then tell them what to wear and what not to wear.

An excerpt from, "Some thoughts on the Veil" by Max Dashu, Suppressed Histories Archives:
"Most people think of the veil solely in terms of Islam, but it is much older. It originated from ancient Indo-European cultures, such as the Hittites, Greeks, Romans and Persians. It was also practiced by the Assyrians. Veiling had class as well as gender implications; thus, the ancient Assyrian law required it of upper class women while punishing commoners for it. The strong association of veiling with class rank, as well as an urban/peasant split, persisted historically up until the last century. Then more privileged women began rejecting the veil, as did Egyptian feminist Huda Sharawi, while poor women increasingly adopted it as a ticket to upward mobility. (A similar dynamic occurred with footbinding in modern China.)"
Video Title: The Veil Erases the Woman and Her Mind. Source: MEMRI TV. Date Published: September 2, 2016. Description:
Jordanian Author Zulaikha Aburisha: The Veil Effaces (Erases) the Woman and Her Mind

In a TV interview, Jordanian author Zulaikha Aburisha said that there is no consensus about the woman's hijab among jurisprudents and that the niqab "effaces the woman and her mind."

Speaking on the A1 Jordan TV channel on March 10, she said that "the writing off of women, their effacement, the insistence upon covering women with veils, and the focus on the details of their body... are all manifestations of the sexual inhibitions experienced by our Arab societies."

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