February 23, 2016

Video: I Support the James Tracy Legal Defense Fund

"If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear." - George Orwell.

An excerpt from, "Fired FAU professor James Tracy's personnel file reveals worry over 'perceived level of threat'" by Brian Entin, WPTV, February 22, 2016:
Florida Atlantic University released former professor James Tracy's personnel file on Monday.

Tracy, an FAU Communications professor, was fired in January.

His termination came after years of controversy involving his personal blog where he questioned whether the children and adults killed in the Sandy Hook massacre were actually actors.

In the newly released documents, there are various letters from people around the country urging the university to fire Dr. Tracy.
An excerpt from, "Poll: 84% say FAU right to cut ties with controversial prof James Tracy" by Rick Christie, Palm Beach Post, January 27, 2016:
Tracy, a tenured professor in FAU’s School of Communication and Multimedia Studies, has become infamous for questioning through his blog — MemoryHole — the legitimacy of the 2012 shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut that resulted in the deaths of 20 children and six adults.

Further, he has suggested that trained “crisis actors” may have been posing as traumatized students and families.

And he doesn’t stop there. He also challenges the authenticity of the Boston Marathon bombing and Washington Navy Yard shooting in 2013, and yes, even the recent shootings in San Bernardino, Calif.

FAU, unable to pierce Tracy’s tenure shield, was resigned to doing its best to distance itself from Tracy and his rantings.
An excerpt from, "Support Academic Freedom: Prof. James Tracy Fired for his Writings on the Sandy Hook School Event" by James F. Tracy, Global Research, February 22, 2016:
Dr. James Tracy was a highly regarded professor of media studies who’s job it was to critically analyze the media reporting of significant events. For unknown reasons, personally sharing honest analysis of the Sandy Hook event triggered a media attack on Dr. Tracy.

The media began to pressure the university in which he was a tenured professor and labeled him the ‘Conspiracy Professor.’
Video Title: I Support the James Tracy Legal Defense Fund. Source: TyrannyNewsNetwork. Date Published: February 19, 2016.