August 7, 2013

UPR Dr. Richard Geldard: Emerson & Universal Mind

"Geldard is the author of ten books, including studies of Ralph Waldo Emerson and Greek philosophy and culture. He is also a frequent lecturer. In June, 2003, and September, 2003, he was a featured speaker at Faneuil Hall in Boston as part of the Emerson Bicentennial Celebrations. In June, 2005, he was the Keynote speaker at the re-instatement of the Delphic Games in Delphi, Greece. In September, 2009 he gave the Flora Levy Lecture in the Humanities at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette." [Source: Huffington Post].

Video Title: UPR Dr. Richard Geldard: Emerson & Universal Mind. Source: uprsedu. Date Published: March 7, 2013. Description:
Throughout his long and well-documented career, Ralph Waldo Emerson kept a personal journal, begun at age sixteen and concluding when he was seventy-four. The sixteen volumes of the journals plus his enormous published work leave a fascinating and comprehensive record of his vision of a universal mind within which all matter and life participates. This lecture will present Emerson's exploration of this core principle of Idealism: its source, its nature and its availability to us as seekers after the true ground of our being.

Lecture given at the University of Philosophical Research, Dec 1, 2012