July 26, 2013

Sebastian Brock on the Syriac tradition in Christianity

Sebastian P. Brock is the author of, "The Syriac Fathers on Prayer and the Spiritual Life" (2006).

Sebastian Paul Brock (born 1938, London) is generally acknowledged as the foremost and most influential academic in the field of Syriac language today. He is a former Reader in Syriac Studies at the University of Oxford's Oriental Institute and currently a Professorial Fellow at Wolfson College. He is a Fellow of the British Academy.
Video Title: Sebastian Brock on the Syriac tradition in Christianity. Source: Киностудия Богослов. Date Published: March 27, 2012. Description:
Interviews with Sebastian Brock, the foremost authority in the field of Syriac language, on:
-- features of the Syriac tradition;
-- Syriac Christology;
-- the best Syriac authors;
-- the leading centres for the study of Christian Syria.