June 16, 2011

The Exoteric And Esoteric Sides of Western Governments

"I don't need to be kind to the armies of night that would do such injustice to you
Or bow down and be grateful and say "sure, take all that you see"
To the men who move only in dimly-lit halls and determine my future for me." - Robin Pecknold, Fleet Foxes - Helplessness Blues.

When the Obama administration launched another war in Libya earlier this year many people predicted that such a decision would eventually lead to a massive political crisis in the United States and the West that would expose the fundamentally secret and anti-democratic nature of how national and global decisions are made in Western states.

The public excuses given for the Libyan invasion were the usual cut-and-paste government propaganda: "We are the good guys, Gaddafi is the bad guy." Very simple stuff. This common deceptive tactic worked well with the anti-Al-Qaeda crusade, anti-Taliban crusade, and anti-Saddam crusade. It will work again with the anti-Pakistan crusade, and the anti-Iran crusade. Until the psychological roots of such "good vs. evil" conflicts are addressed by the people there won't be any peaceful resolution to modern global warfare.

Government propaganda only works because there are millions of people who are stupid enough to believe it. What does it say about people that they don't like thinking for themselves, but rather want the government and the media to do all the thinking for them?

Back in March, Professor Peter Dale Scott went into great detail explaining the origins and strength of the Libyan opposition to Gaddafi, the real nature of U.S.-NATO's occupation of that country, and the different public/hidden rationales for the war.

Deciphering the hidden purpose of the war in Libya and the larger war on terror takes us down many avenues: the reality of resource wars and the great game of empire, the tyrannical impulse of Western elites to build a dictatorial new world order, and the U.S.-Israeli government's obsession with regime change in the Middle East.

There are many different reasons why the U.S. and NATO invaded Libya, none of them good. The Obama administration's secret behavior surrounding the initial decision to go to war is further proof that Washington's real motivations for bombing that country were evil and profit-driven. For Obama to flat out say to the American public that "we want regime change" would go against the sacred myth that the U.S. government is good, democratic, honest, pure, and plays by the rules in the international sphere.

Dan Hind, author of 'The Threat to Reason: How the Enlightenment was Hijacked and How We Can Reclaim It,' says that the claim to state secrecy by the U.S. government, which is perpetually made by both democratic and republican administrations, is less about protecting America from its enemies, and more about protecting the hijacked U.S. government from the American people. Hind says:
State secrecy has always been as much a matter of protecting the internal character and workings of the state from public scrutiny as it has been about denying information to the enemy. The notion that a free media and democratic institutions make secrecy impossible is itself profoundly deceptive. (1).
Government whistleblowers like Daniel Ellsberg and Sibel Edmonds constantly make the same point. Secrecy does not belong in government unless there is a real war going on, not a made-up war like the war on terror which is based on total lies and intended to justify tyranny in the name of security.

Hind says that the different layered levels of state secrecy within the U.S. government points to the fact that there are thousands of people in the CIA, NSA, and other government agencies who have no clue what they are a part of, and what their true function is in the state. Most of them are dedicated patriots who are guarded from the 9/11 lie, and the real purpose of the Federal Reserve Bank, which is to enslave the American people through debt. Hind uses a quote from former U.S. government worker Edmond Taylor who says there are two levels of America's national policy, one is exoteric, and the other is esoteric. Hind:
Official secrecy, the level of knowledge shared by hundreds, even thousands, of government employees, can itself act as an administrative resource, even as yet another instrument of deception. The American Edmond Taylor moved from journalism to working first at the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) and later at the Psychological Strategy Board (PSB). Writing of his work there, he explained how:
I gradually came to realise. . .[that] the feeling that one had at last got behind the scenes of history was to a large extent an illusory one. The staff of PSB ranked fairly highly in the Washington hierarchy of documentary security clearance, but, I soon discovered, above the nominal aristocracy of Top Secret, Cosmic or Q-Clearance holders there was an inner super-elite contemptuous of all classificatory ritualism, whose thoughts were so arcane that they were seldom committed to paper at all, at least not in any official form. As one of these Great Initiates revealed to me in a rare moment of confidence. . . the US, like many other nations, has two levels of national policy, the exoteric and the esoteric. The former found its expression in the papers of the NSC [National Security Council]. . . As to the esoteric policy my informant's lips were naturally sealed. (2).
Hind adds, "the fact that, as a well-connected insider, Taylor felt excluded from the inner circle of decision-making suggests that the state's capacity to disguise its true nature and intentions from its own technical experts is essentially unlimited. Through its system of rewards and punishments, it largely retains its 'esoteric' character," (3).

This esoteric side of politics is jealously protected by the establishment in Washington, London, and other Western capitals because the power of secrecy is too sweet to give up. Evil men have always hid behind the veil of mystery. Men who crave power like Dick Cheney and Barack Obama naturally cling to darkness.

II. Towards A New Age of Political Enlightenment

The people desperately need political enlightenment to ensure their security, wealth and freedom. The social and cultural value of the alternative media and the internet cannot be overstated. A free internet is the gateway to political enlightenment and freedom. Hind writes:
We do not for the most part understand the world in which we live. Both the state and the corporation remain mysterious in themselves, and they generate misunderstanding and delusion on a vast scale. Trillions of dollars disappear from reckonings of government departments and the general population is routinely treated as an object to be manipulated. The private sector spends hundreds of billions of dollars making deception both palatable and ubiquitous. To the limited extent that we can grasp the facts in a given context, we find ourselves contradicted by the major media groups. In such circumstances we cannot reasonably claim to live in enlightened times. (4).
The main obstacles to political enlightenment are the government, politically connected corporations, journalists, and the people's own tendency to unquestioningly accept what they are told by authority figures.

Western states and the Western media prevent political enlightenment by persecuting people who question official narratives of historical events and holy government doctrines and categorizing them as conspiracy theorists or truthers. This modern form of stigmatization by the powers-that-be has its roots in the aftermath of John F. Kennedy's killing by a traitorous clique that took control of the CIA and U.S. military after World War II.

We know from history that state persecution is step one; step two is forceful elimination and banishment from society. Since most people are sheepish and don't like to go against the popular opinion they choose to go along with state persecution of people who hold alternative political opinions without knowing the real purpose of such persecution in the larger picture.

The harm done when the labels "conspiracy theorists" and "truthers" are used, ignorantly or knowingly, is more than people imagine. By marginalizing critics of official state policy and political narratives as "conspiracy theorists" the government and media cripple the people's chances of ever attaining freedom and justice. Northrop Frye, the literary critic, says in his book 'Fearful Symmetry: A Study of William Blake' that a reputation "is as vital to a man as his throat," (5).

The right to free speech is taken away by government officials and journalists when they call somebody a conspiracy theorist, and hence not worthy of public attention. It is like cutting out someone's tongue or staining his/her name. The ability to speak and be heard is destroyed. At least that is the intent. The popularity of the alternative media like the Alex Jones show is a sign that degrading political labels are losing their magic effect.

I think it is culturally and psychologically fascinating that people who question the government's storylines are seen as wacko. The fact that the power of authority can be used to turn people against their own interests is amazing and frightening.

What's also interesting is that in the history of political language the term conspiracy theory is relatively new. It is one of the clearest historical examples of how tyrants use words to lyrically assassinate freedom fighters and maintain their domination over the people. It belongs in the same category as the word heretic when it was wielded by the tyrannical Church against scientists who dissented against official religious doctrines.

The thing that disturbs many people about the age we're living in, whether they are intellectual liberals and bible-thumping conservatives, is that the modern U.S. government has more in common with the medieval Catholic Church than a modern democratic state, or the constitutional republic that America was meant to be. The ideal and the real in American politics are poles apart, but the public perception of this fact is slowly moving in the right direction so there is reason to hope.

III. A Ruling Elite With A Hidden Global Agenda

America does not have a constitutional, freely elected government. America is ruled by a ruthless and cruel plutocracy who hate the ideas of self-government and freedom. Inside the head of the beast in Washington there is a secret ruling class consisting of international banking interests, monopolistic corporations, and powerful political families such as the Bushes, Rockefellers, and Rothschilds who control the government of the United States through the private Federal Reserve Bank, and the increasingly privatized CIA. Pretty soon, the entire U.S. government will become privatized and owned by a power elite that is anti-free market, anti-competition, anti-rule of law, anti-freedom, and anti-equality.

A key vehicle through which this ruling oligarchical elite meet and discuss global policy is the Pilgrims Society, a British-U.S. secret society created in 1902. Its membership includes Henry Kissinger, former Secretary of State Alexander Haig, former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker, Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner, and Queen Elizabeth II.

The aim of this elitist secret society and others like it is to phase out nation states, end democratic self-determination, and build a dictatorial new world order with the parasitic elites of England and the U.S. at the epicenter.

Until now this parasitic elite have kept their tyrannical goals hidden from public view, but we are slowly beginning to witness the coming out party of their privately owned, dictatorial world government. However, the party may not last long because 99% of the people of the world are excluded.


1. Dan Hind. The Threat to Reason: How the Enlightenment was Hijacked and How We Can Reclaim It. 2007. Verso: London. Pg. 114.
2. Hind. Pg. 115-116.
3. Hind. Pg. 116.
4. Hind. Pg. 131.
5. Northrop Frye. Fearful Symmetry: A Study of William Blake. 1947. Princeton University Press: New Jersey. Pg. 56.