April 15, 2010

Caution In The Days Ahead

The Oath Keepers have pulled out of an open-carry event that will take place in Virginia on Monday April 19, and a number of individuals are calling this cancellation an act of cowardice. Some people at the Ron Paul forums say the Oath Keepers are chickening out. But they couldn't be more wrong. I'm glad the Oath Keepers are led by THINKING men. They are not cowards at all, and anyone who thinks so is either ignorant, or doesn't have any idea about winning. If you want to achieve liberty, and beat the tyrants, you have to do everything in your power to maintain your image, and not do any regrettable actions. This is a time to watch your step, and examine the battlefield. Caution in the days of ahead will do the Oath Keepers and all patriots who are fighting for liberty much good.

The enlightened ruler is heedful, and the good general full of caution.
- Sun Tzu