January 18, 2013

Video: Sandy Hook Occult Sacrifice vs. 'Fakery' Disinfo

Child sacrifice rituals are common in many civilizations. Ours is no different. According to the ruling elite, it is best to keep quiet about this evil reality.

Video Title: Sandy Hook Occult Sacrifice vs. 'Fakery' Disinfo. Channel: thetruthergirls. Description:
Everyone is latching on to the idea that nobody died at Sandy Hook and this has become one of the most discussed topics in the conspiracy theory community. From the beginning, I felt that this was not the case, that it was based on speculation without any real evidence. As more and more info emerges, I am finding that everything points to the killer (or rather, killers) having done this to perform a ritual sacrifice. The wider implication of this, in my mind, is that the 'it was actors and it never happened' campaign is probably even an intentional disinfo operation undertaken to confuse the public and divert attention from what most likely really did happen- which was something far more sinister. Donation sites set up before shooting? Weird, but there could be some explanation.

AC360: Conspiracy Theories About Sandy Hook Shooting