October 19, 2011

Alex Jones And Ron Paul Are American Heroes And Global Symbols of Resistance To Tyranny

A nation dies when it forgets its heroes. America will not die because despite the treason from within the American people have not forgotten their heroes and forefathers. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, James Madison, Patrick Henry, and Benjamin Franklin will always remain iconic figures in world history.

What that generation achieved was heroic and divine, but their achievements are not untouchable. A new generation of American heroes in a new global era can try to repeat what they did but on a much larger stage. The stakes are higher this time for both America and humanity. Failure guarantees human catastrophe and success ensures both human survival and human freedom for everyone on Earth and for generations to come.

Where are these new American heroes? When will they emerge? And what characteristics do they share in common? These questions will be answered in due time. A new page in American history and world history is being opened. And it will contain the noble acts of new American heroes who are already on the stage of history.

Ron Paul, the founding father of the Tea Party, is high on the list of 21st century American heroes. He is injecting common sense, truth and American values into the 2012 presidential election.

Ralph Nader is also a hero of this age for providing an alternative to the fraudulent republican-democrat political paradigm. You can agree or disagree with him about political philosophy and economics, but you have to respect his heroics.

Alex Jones is another hero whose name will be recorded in the history books for waking a nation that was apathetic and asleep after decades of media propaganda, financial subversion, high treason and acts of state terror.

Legendary anti-terrorism expert Dr. Steve Pieczenik credited Alex with helping to ignite the passions of the young people who are attending pro-freedom protests all around the world against economic terrorism and theft of public money by the power elite.

On Alex's show on October 18, Pieczenik told Alex that in the last ten years a lot of people "have been listening to what was called the so-called conspiracy unit, you and me and others, and the truth of the matter is the real conspiracy is not committed by you or me. It's just we read out exactly what the government has done, and unfortunately this government, the government before, have been liars, deceitful, and the American public is not stupid."

Pieczenik also said that intelligence officials listen to the Alex Jones show and value the work that he is doing. During the past decade, the conspiracy movement in America and the West has gained credibility and respect. It is nothing to mess with. 9/11 truth is the neutron of the global revolution against the banksters and state terrorists.

Alex's reputation is built on the foundations of truth and reality. And it will grow to the sky as the economy collapses and the consequences of the false flag 9/11 attacks and world war three are brought home to individuals and families in America.

But Alex is only an example of what one man can do if he is brave enough to stand alone. Public education and the spread of knowledge through a free press by thousands of info-soldiers is what will save our nations from a global tyranny.

What Ron Paul, Ralph Nader, Alex Jones and other truth-tellers are trying to do is heroic and divine. There is no bullshit in their words. No spin. No agenda. What you get from them is honesty, truth and patriotism, three things that have been abandoned by the criminal traitors in Washington D.C. and other Western capitals.

What Dr. Paul is offering to the American people and the world is a real vision of American greatness, not the corporatist-militarist version of American exceptionalism that is currently destroying both the Middle East and America.

"The world is moved along," said Helen Keller, "not only by the mighty shoves of its heroes, but also by the aggregate of tiny pushes of each honest worker."

It is a great error to fail to recognize true heroes like Ron Paul, Ralph Nader and Alex Jones, and instead denigrate them as "nuts" and "conspiracy kooks." They have courage and honour, and deserve a better fate than the traitors in power who have neither.