Steve Clemens wrote a fantastic review in June 2008 of a fantastic book that was published in April 2008 called JFK and The Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters by James W. Douglass. It is one of the best books of the century so far, and probably the most important book of the last fifty years. Hopefully by the time of the 50th anniversary of John F. Kennedy's assassination this book will reach the "million copies sold" plateau.
Douglass's book should be read by millions of people because it is so critical that we all know the untold story about why JFK was killed by the dark powers within the America Establishment. JFK was a real prince of peace. He was an example to us all. A true leader. America's last real president. A son of God, and a brother of all humanity.
Douglass's book is as much about the man as about the infamous event. You can't understand one without the other. John F. Kennedy was special. He stood for peace. His murderers didn't just kill a man, they killed a vision, and an entire nation. Douglass emphasizes how much history changed because of Kennedy's death. If read by enough people, this book could change the course of human history. It can awaken new people to the truth about the assassination of JFK, and also the truth about the 9/11 attacks.
How we view history influences how we view the present and the future, and if the history that we know is false then we're not free nor safe - not the American people, or any other people around the world because America is being used as a global killing machine. We must strike the heart of the American military machine, and its evil manipulators. We must get at the truth because the truth will set us all free, and help us reach Kennedy's goal of world peace. Lies are destructive and suppresses life; by sticking to official lies we support the death of innocent life and treason against humanity.
Douglass has done a remarkable job of rescuing American history, and telling the story of JFK's assassination in a way that shows that his death does not belong to the past, but to the present generation. What happened in 1963 is still relevant now because the same anti-human powers that killed Kennedy are still operating behind the scenes in America today, waging endless war and creating chaos in the Middle East.
If you care about America, humanity, history, freedom, peace, truth, justice, and all the good things in life, buy and read Douglass's book. But first, read the review by Clemens.
A Review of JFK and The Unspeakable
By Steve Clemens
Published: June 2008Reintroducing JFK: Seeing Our Slain President Through a New Lens by Steve Clemens. June 2008
Review of James W. Douglass, JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters. (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books. 2008)
I had just turned 13 the month before the startling news was broadcast into my 8th grade classroom: President John F. Kennedy was shot in Dallas and had been rushed to the hospital. It was followed by the bulletin that the President was dead. Lorenzo, my fellow classmate, an Italian Catholic, burst into tears. I sat quietly thinking: at least we got that Papist out of the White House! The anti-Catholic indoctrination I received from my church and parents never allowed me to see JFK as a person, only a symbol of a false religion to reject. Oh, and he was a Democrat as well!
Had I known the JFK that Jim Douglass reveals in his new book, I would have had more reasons to dismiss him: a President engaging in peacemaking activities with the Premier of the godless Communists, Nikita Khrushchev, passing letters back and forth that even members of his Cabinet were unaware! A US President secretly arranging for face-to-face consultations with Fidel Castro to resume normal diplomatic relations with a communist Cuba! The man who issued the secret National Security Action Memorandum 263 ordering the removal of 1,000 US Military advisors from Vietnam by the end of 1963 and ALL US Troops by the end of 1965. Under the guise of “peacemaking” President John F. Kennedy was urging “capitulation” to the Soviets in the Cold War – at least from my junior high school analysis.
Continued. . .