September 14, 2010

A Quick Response to Jim Bush's Article on 9/11

Read Jim Bush's article, "911 Conspiracy, Who We Are, Where We Are At, And What We Must Do."

Jim Bush:
"I argued about the 911 Conspiracy Theory, with others, all through 9/11/10. It was like arguing with any true believer or fundamentalist. You go in circles with no change their essential starting position or beliefs. I can only conclude that the folks who believe 911 was an inside job want to believe it. Nothing you tell them will change their minds."
LOL. I can't help but just laugh at this. Do you think Americans, and people around the world want to believe that the U.S. governmentis is ran by a pack of liars, traitors, gangsters, and murderers? Do you think they're comforted in knowing that? Who feels good about believing in crazy conspiracy theories? I sure don't. I'm scared about the future, and how we will live. Will wars dominate this century? If we continue to believe in the official myth, and the "all-pervasive "terrorist threat" then our governments will be able to justify endless invasions, torture, spying, state secrecy, oppression, the unjust murder and displacement of millions of people, you name it.

I don't believe 9/11 was an inside job. Belief has nothing to do with it. Six years ago I saw the writing on the wall. I was 15. I went where the facts lead, and never looked back for fear of being called a kook, and a crazy person. What can change my mind to the contrary is hardcore facts; observations of reality that we all can verify through the scientific method, and logical reasoning.

Where do you begin in your discussions with people who have come to the conclusion that 9/11 was an inside job? Do you begin with the fact that building 7 rapidly collapsed in the evening of 9/11 despite not getting hit with a plane? Do you begin with the research done by Professor Steven Jones and Danish scientist Niels Harrit about their findings of nano-thermite in the dust of one of the collapsed buildings?

Have you taken into consideration that the reason why we're so skeptical of the 9/11 commission report is because Philip Zelikow, the commission's director, had produced a copy of the final report, coming to his own political conclusions, before the commission went ahead with its work, and fact-finding mission? Click here to learn more about that.

Jim Bush:

"To me, what happened on 911 was no surprise, and it was no surprise who did it. And though governments, in history, have deceptively conspired to manufacture incidents that would garner the support of their populations for some military adventure, this was not one of them."

How can you be so sure that 9/11 was not a false flag event? What makes you believe that? It can't be the facts that makes you think that. It can't be evidence. The government has provided zero proof that Bin Laden was responsible. It's been nine years and no proof! Bush just declared Al Qaeda to be evil, and launched the war on terror. Are you going accept his word as gospel? Is Bush your Jesus Christ? Is Obama your Saint Paul?

How can you trust what the Bush administration said about 9/11, when the President's very own brother, Marvin Bush, was involved with the company that was hired to provide security for the WTC, United Airlines, and Dulles International Airport. Read this article by Craig Cox from February 2003 called "Secrecy Surrounds 9/11 Investigation" to learn more about the company Securacom/Stratesec.

If you still believe in the government's version of what happened on 9/11 after doing your own research then you're the true believer. If facts can't convince you, then what will? Will revelation? Do the conspirators themselves have to openly declare that they were responsible? What will it take?