September 15, 2010

Forget The Left. And Fuck The Right. It's Time to Move Beyond The Two-Wing Spectrum

What we need in Canada, America, England, and other countries are not more parties, or more left-based or right-based political coalitions. What the West is waiting for is a strong and truthful, non-Left/non-Right movement to take back the power to create money, end the illegal wars, restore the rule of law, strip corporations of the right of personhood, and provide economic opportunity for all.

The author Naomi Klein said in an recent interview with Laura Flanders that; “We have to build that independent left. It has to be so strong and so radical and so militant and so powerful that it becomes irresistible.” I admire Klein's dedication to democracy, resistance to corporate criminality, and compassion for justice, but if this "independent Left" lays aside the critical issue of 9/11 truth and accountability, then it won't be strong, or radical, or militant, and certainly not powerful.

People still wonder why there is no popular resistance to the plutocracy, and the two-party system in the United States, but it is easy to figure out why. It is because individuals like Klein still think in terms of building an independent "left" and stirring "progressive rage" to counter their bleeding-hearts counterparts on the right. They put themselves in a box by thinking along the traditional political lines of right and left. And so do people on the other side of the political spectrum. What is required is a wide coalition, consisting of libertarians, progressives, conservatives, and independents. Many people have said the same thing.

Presently, if the right resists America's unjust rulers then they are called racists by the media, and the fools on the left. And if the left ever decides to resist then they will be called unpractical commies by the media, and the fools on the right. Both sides stupidly play into the false characterization of each other. It is an endless wheel of political stupidity. I hope it's not as big as a wheel as I imagine it to be. I like to think that the majority of people are in the middle, independent in their views, and disdainful towards the entire political party system in our modern democracies.

Restoring the American Republic, destroying the Federal Reserve Bank, conserving the environment, getting rid of rigged markets, reestablishing the rules and laws of a true free market economy, and bringing to trial the war criminals and traitors is the task of our generation. Without some form of compromise on superficial issues, then a vigorous, anti-establishment, grassroots coalition won't ever get off the ground to address these life-and-death issues. It will forever remain an idea in online discussion boards, and blogs.

But before reforms can be implemented, the truth needs to be exposed. The most urgent task before us is informing as many people as we can about the scientific evidence which proves that the official 9/11 story is a total lie. It stinks like a carcass, and you can see that it is dead from whatever angle you look at it. The problem is that a lot of people avoid looking at it, or just take a quick peek and then look away. But if you look at it intently, and examine it from all sides, then you step away with a new outlook on America's leaders, the mainstream media, recent history, and society in general. The criminals in power are betting on their assumption that the majority of people will blindly accept whatever they are told because they're too afraid to racially change their beliefs about so important an event in their lives.

It is hard for many people regardless of their religious/non-religious and political beliefs to remove from their minds the ideas of "enlightenment" - "progress" - "liberalism" - "democracy" when they think of America's government, and other Western governments. We live in democracies, they say, so our leaders must share our values, and goals. But they don't. Their values and goals are radically different from the people. Democrats and Republicans alike have not fully understood that the American government was subverted by hostile interests a long time ago. It stopped being a beacon of freedom when John F. Kennedy was assassinated by an inner network of inter-governmental conspirators who despised his actions, and him personally. After his death, and the deaths of his brother and MLK, America became a beacon of treason, an engine of warfare, and the destroyer of freedom.

Since 1963 the President of the United States, if he was not totally ignorant of recent US political history, had to meet three requirements; can you betray your countrymen? Can you lie to them every day for the duration of your term? And can you send young soldiers to their deaths in criminal wars for profit? If they can't steal the office like Bush and the neocons did in 2000, then they have to accept preconditions before sitting in as President, because the current government is controlled by men who staged a counter-revolution against the original Republic and Constitution in 1963, and a rebellion against the will of the people.

In 2008 Ed Encho wrote very specifically in an article called "9/11: Cover For A Coup D'Etat?" that the American people are living under a stolen, militaristic, and criminal government. The overthrow wasn't violent, but it wasn't obscure either. And nothing changed when Obama was given the Presidency. Encho:
"It's no wonder that Dick Cheney, Joseph Lieberman and the rest of America hating neocons are trying to crack down on the internet by levelling scurillous 'terrorist' accusations to lock in their gains before the matrix of fear and ignorance is penetrated. The dumbing down of America has worked to perfection at least until now but the peasants are growing restive and the movements behind Barack Obama and Ron Paul are if nothing else encouraging first signs of a real resistance that is growing in this country against the neocon executors of the coup d'etat that stole away our legitimate government under the cover of the black smoke of burning jet fuel and the stench of scorched human flesh. Let us all begin the call for a REAL investigation of the events of 9/11, the day when our history was stolen from us by a pack of ruthless thugs who rightfully belong swinging at the end of a rope.

It’s far past time for that something very loud (In the words of William Rivers Pitt) to take place and a damned good start would be in pulling the chain and flushing the neocon toilet and then turning the hoses on Cheney's office. Then how about a coup d'état using the existing bureaucracy to take over the government through the democratic processes that have been stolen from his country over the past seven and a half years by a power crazed anti-American junta that belongs in the dock at The Hague instead of in the White House, The Congress and The Pentagon."

Do People Have The Will To Stop Believing The Official 9/11 Lie?

In December 2006 Alexander Cockburn wrote an article for Le Monde diplomatique called "US: the conspiracy that wasn’t." Cockburn cried; "Five years after the attacks, 9/11 “conspiracism” has penetrated deep into the left in the US." In March 2007, David Ray Griffin responded to the charge of "conspiracy theory" made by Cockburn in "The Truly Distracting 9/11 Conspiracy Theory; A Reply to Alexander Cockburn" that was published in the Norwegian edition of Le Monde diplomatique. Griffin wrote:
"The official theory about these buildings, which Cockburn defends, is contradicted by all prior history, in which total collapses of steel-frame high-rise buildings have never been caused by externally caused damage plus fire, even when the fires were much bigger and lasted much longer."
It is hard for me to respond to Cockburn's shocking denial of what is obvious and self-evident without giving offense, so I'll hold my peace, and be merciful. Besides, I'm confident that the deniers and unscientific debunkers will come around at some point in the future, I just hope it's not after the apocalypse when we're all dead.

"Dayadhvam: I have heard the key
Turn in the door once and turn once only
We think of the key, each in his prison
Thinking of the key, each confirms a prison" - T.S. Eliot, The Waste Land

Each individual has to decide independently whether to believe the government's version of 9/11, or believe in his/her own judgment. We must look at reality with our own eyes, assess the facts on the ground, and decide is this real? Putting our trust in authority figures has so far proven to be a deadly mistaken because they have betrayed us. We can get out of this waste land of ignorance, and make this world a better place for everybody to live in, but not without the will to see the truth about the corruption of our governments.

Joseph Campbell, commenting on Eliot's poem, asked; "What, then, is the Waste Land?":
"It is the land where the myth is patterned by authority, not emergent from life; where there is no poet's eye to see, no adventure to be lived, where all is set for all and forever: Utopia! Again, it is the land where poets languish and priestly spirits thrive, whose task it is only to repeat, enforce, and elucidate cliches. And this blight of the soul extends today from the cathedral close to the university campus," (1).
I've forgotten the shock factor of the truth about 9/11. I wish I could remember the emotions in me when I first realized that Bin Laden and Islamic extremists were not responsible for the attacks because this is a delicate issue. I know how sensitive this information should be presented to people. Splashing the cold water of truth on a person's face doesn't wake them up, the facts must be introduced into a person's mind gently, and compassionately. And it must be stressed that nobody knows the full truth about the motives of the individuals who did the 9/11 crime. What we can do is make an educated guess. But the first and most important job of truth and accountability activists is to showcase the facts, and then step aside, because as Jon Gold wrote, the facts speak for themselves.

The philosopher Karl Jaspers said in one of his lectures; "Reason never turns into possessive knowledge which necessarily limits and fixes itself, but remains an unlimited openness," (2).

We must put into practice Jasper's definition of reason as unlimited openness. The light of reason is an inviting light, it doesn't cry out conspiracies, it points to contradictions, evidence, facts, and history.

There needs to be a public trial to deal with the true perpetrators of 9/11, not just a 9/11 truth and reconciliation council as Rep. Kuncinich suggested. I'm not in favor of the the South African style of justice. I want to see heads roll. The criminals involved in the cold-blooded murder of nearly 3,000 people, which surely includes Bush, Cheney, Rice, Rumsfeld, Rove, need to be brought forward with the full force of the law.

What I aim to do in every post is dig through the trenches in the propaganda war, and provide clarity about the 9/11 hoax, and the epic crimes against humanity to the best of my knowledge and ability. If you are more perplexed after reading one of my articles then I'm sorry because that is not my intention. By making the treason clear, and knowable, the criminal hijackers of the American government will disappear from this Earth. And I mean disappear the way Saddam disappeared. They are already half-beaten because they have to pursue their anti-freedom vision in the dark, under the cloak of national security, and behind the shield of state secrecy. But public knowledge will defeat their conspiracy because they can't erase the traces of their evil actions. Their stain is permanent. All we need is public light to unravel the mystery. And then, when justice is done, the reconstitution of American liberty, and the American dream can begin. Doubt not, common sense will prevail. As Vico wrote; "Common sense is an unreflecting judgment shared by an entire social order, people, nation, or even all humankind," (3).

1. Campbell, Joseph. The Masks of God, Vol. 4: Creative Mythology. Pg. 373.
2. Jaspers, Karl. Philosophy of Existence, Translated by Richard F. Grabau. Pg. 57.
3. Vico, Giambattista. The New Science. Pg. 80.