October 22, 2023

Ralph Ellis - Israelites were Egyptians


An excerpt from, "Ralph Ellis - Mount Sinai Discovered (Great Pyramid)"

So why, then, are there no references whatsoever to the pyramids of Egypt in the Bible? The answer is obvious: the Bible does mention the pyramids, and it mentions them quite often; but the names of all the pyramids have been deliberately obscured by the scribes. The Giza plateau IS mentioned in the Bible, as is the Great Pyramid itself, and the biblical name for the latter is Mt Sinai.

Take another look at the list of requirements that the real Mt Sinai must fulfil. While the description of a natural mountain would agree with very few of these points, the Great Pyramid of Giza fulfils each and every one of them. The Great Pyramid is both sharp and steep, it contains a steeply inclined passageway that terminates in a rough cavern, it resides on the edge of the desert and it also rises very suddenly from the surrounding pavement area. As mountains go the Great Pyramid is rather small and easy to cordon off, yet it is also the tallest pyramid in Egypt. Finally, that pavement that looked like the night sky, corresponds perfectly with the great, black, basalt pavement that originally surrounded the GreatPyramid. (Remember that the upper chambers in this pyramid would still have been concealed in this era, thus the Bible makes no mention of them).

The problem for the clergy, with this new identification of Mt Sinai, is not only that this sacred mount is now situated in Egypt, it is also the distinctly Egyptian bias that this location gives to Judaeo-Christian theology. The first question that will be asked is: just what was the Israelite god doing inside an Egyptian pyramid? Unfortunately for the classical theologians, authors like Ahmed Osman and Ralph Ellis have been unearthing copious amounts of information that points towards an Egyptian ancestry for the Israelite religion. 

Video Title: Lecture 15a - Israelites were Egyptians Part 1. Source: Ralph Ellis. Date Published: Jul 11, 2020. Description:

This video explores the Biblical Exodus of the Israelites out of Egypt, and discovers an identical Exodus event 330 years earlier - the Hyksos Exodus. 

It is quite clear that the Hyksos Exodus and Israelite Exodus were the same event, and so the Israelites were Egyptians - the Hyksos pharaohs of Egypt. As you might expect, this conclusion is resisted by theologians and historians alike... 

Part 2: