September 20, 2023

Report: Pak's IMF Bailout Linked to Secret U.S. Arms Deal for Ukraine | Vantage with Palki Sharma

Washington and London are backing losing horses. Russia and India are large civilizations with rich histories. Ukraine and Pakistan are corrupt bankrupt outposts, whose only value seems to be as sacrificial pawns in grand geopolitical games. 

They are newly invented countries without sovereignty and without honour. Their entire national identities are based on hatred of everything Russian and Indian. 

You can't build a successful country on hate alone. And the pipeline of U.S. weapons and money won't last forever. 

Video Title: Report: Pak's IMF Bailout Linked to Secret U.S. Arms Deal for Ukraine | Vantage with Palki Sharma. Source: Firstpost. Date Published: September 18, 2023.