September 28, 2023

Ancient Entheogens with Carl Ruck


Carl A. P. Ruck (born December 8, 1935, Bridgeport, Connecticut), is a professor in the Classical Studies department at Boston University. He received his B.A. at Yale University, his M.A. at the University of Michigan, and a Ph.D. at Harvard University. He lives in Hull, Massachusetts.

Carl Ruck is best known for his work along with other scholars in mythology and religion on the sacred role of entheogens, or psychoactive plants that induce an altered state of consciousness, as used in religious or shamanistic rituals. His focus has been on the use of entheogens in classical western culture, as well as their historical influence on modern western religions. He currently teaches a mythology class at Boston University that presents this theory in depth.

The book The Road to Eleusis: Unveiling the Secret of the Mysteries, co-authored by Ruck with Albert Hofmann and R. Gordon Wasson, makes a case that the psycho-active ingredient in the secret kykeion potion used in the Eleusinian mysteries was most likely the ergotism causing fungus Claviceps purpurea. Furthermore the book introduced for the first time the term "entheogen" as an alternative for terms such as "psychedelic", "hallucinogen" and "drug" that can be misleading in certain contexts.

Video Title: Ancient Entheogens with Carl Ruck. Source: Evolve Studios. Date Published: May 15, 2023. Description:

Dr. Carl Ruck PhD is a professor in the Classical Studies at Boston University and is well known for his contribution to mythology, mysticism and ancient psychedelic practices. He coined the term "entheogen" and put forward a thesis within The Road to Eleusis that offers a unique perspective of our ancient ancestor's practices of psychedelics within the mystery school of Eleusis.