October 1, 2024

Mossad, An Enemy of World Peace


Mossad directs the destinies of nations and peoples. As masters of deception, and engineers of chaos, its spies are the innovators of warfare in our age.

Bringing down the twin towers in New York, capturing a revolutionary Kurdish leader hiding in Kenya and handing him over to Turkey, assassinating an arch foe in an underground bunker in Beirut: all three events shaped and changed the destiny of the Middle East to different degrees, dramatically altering its possibilities for peace, freedom, the progress of equality, co-existence, and security. 

It is clear the Mossad, which was behind all three events and responsible for many more, is the most lethal, capable, and courageous organization on the planet. It is the preeminent power operating in world history in the 21st century. Its impressive spies have penetrated every government of consequence, including those of its bewildered enemies. 

The Palestinians are mud in their hands. The invasion of Gaza has been a cake walk, with lonely Yemen standing as the only challenger to its march of conquest. And it can barely scratch its technological armour with its useless missiles.

The Arabs and Muslims are no match for Israel’s cunning and savagery, and the Christians are not even in the game to present any challenge. They are too absorbed in biblical myths to recognise 21st century realities. 

And the reality is Israel is the supreme superpower of the age, succeeding as a psychological empire, an espionage empire, a blackmail empire, more powerful than either declining America or rising China. 

The Zionists are the Mongols of our era, the enemy of civilizations, the conqueror of lax rulers, the innovators of killing, bringing terror upon all who dare oppose them. And it is copying from the Mongols' playbook. Its use of human shields in war, especially of captured civilians and soldiers, is a Mongol technique. 

The Muslims and Christians have no such traditions in their history of holy warfare, so to come across such ruthlessness on the battlefield shocks the mind and paralyzes the spirit. To face such an evil enemy requires a resolute will, a collective understanding, and a fountain of faith, which the West and Islam currently lack. They are beaten down civilizations, psychologically, politically, culturally, and economically.

As for Russia and China, nothing can be said. Their attention is elsewhere. They are too emotionally and geographically distant from the drama, and too preoccupied with nearby headaches, to be bothered to deal with such a menace on the world stage. 


An excerpt from, "Thoreau and Mossad: Two Approaches" By Adamantus, An Altar of Unhewn Stone, September 18, 2024:

And America can’t do anything about it. Our institutions are infiltrated, controlled, bought. Our oligarchs are colluding with the Israeli government. I’ve written a long post about how I think we’re “re-arriving” at a situation humanity has experienced only once before — global Jewish hegemony. The last time, it took a literal miracle to save us. We’ll see how that turns out this time.

The main point for today is that Mossad does not have the same kind of moral imagination that you do. They will use every imaginable dystopian tool available to them, and for them, there is no question of ethics when it comes to deploying new technologies, using unprecedented forms of attacks or weapons. They are pedal to the metal accelerationist aspiring technocrats. They have every intention of creating a Total Information System and using it to prevent opposition on a global scale. They may or may not oppress their own citizens, but they will certainly police non-citizens around the world if they can. The “pre-crime” dystopia made famous in The Minority Report, starring Tom Cruise, was absolutely an inspiration to Mossad. We can sit here and wag our index finger at them all day, and pretend to be their moral superiors. They do not care—as long as you don’t say anything about it publicly.

So that’s one track humanity might go down. That is, to speak totally without regard for morality, the logical conclusion of the arms race that is technology. Whoever controls global media and communications determines the state of exception—i.e., is the sovereign. If you thought that was America, because of Hollywood’s robust production, because of America’s prolific news media, you might want to look into who exactly owns those outlets, and consider what kinds of deeper loyalties they might have.

An excerpt from, "Welsh Author Gordon Thomas Calls Mossad Ability to Maintain “American Mole at Highest Level" Incredible" By Russell Warren Howe, Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, June 1999:

Q: I’ve interviewed Ostrovsky many times. What do you think of his books?

A: They’re very interesting indeed. He’s been rubbished, attacked and vilified by Israel in the same way as Ari ben Menashe.

Q: They even had sayanim burn down his home in an Ottawa suburb.

A: I know. You wonder why they go to so much trouble. It only attracts attention and everyone learns that Ostrovsky was right.

Q: Both of you think that the Mossad is spinning out of control.

A: Yes. I absolutely think so. There is something very worrying about this: Everything goes back to Netanyahu. It’s Netanyahu who’s out of control.

Q: Madeleine Albright calls him Saddam “West.” And there’s Netanyahu’s wife, Sara.

A: Both of them are dangerously crazy.

An excerpt from, "The Mongol Empire Versus China: The Way of War" By Andria Pressel, The Collector, September 22, 2021:

Another tactic frequently used by the Mongols to shattering effect was that of espionage. Here, many similarities can be seen between the Mongol practice and Sun Tzu’s teachings, especially that of deception and knowing one’s enemy. For example, each Mongol campaign began by gathering intelligence on the enemy from merchants, spies, scouts, or expeditionary reports. Understanding the importance of up-to-date information, imperial messengers were allowed to requisition horses to get news back to the Khan in mere days from anywhere in the empire. Armed with this intelligence, the Mongol Empire planned its detailed campaign strategy before even departing.

As for deception, Mongol tactics included a wide range of surprise attacks and ambushes. Thanks to the mobility granted by their horses, Mongol mounted archers were masters at hit-and-run, flanking, and envelopment maneuvers. They often feigned retreat to coax the enemy into chasing them before wheeling around and obliterating them. They frequently encircled and broke the enemy’s strength with an arrow storm before moving in for the definitive kill. Because of this emphasis on subterfuge, mobility, and projectile weapons, the Mongol Empire didn’t need superior numbers to cripple the enemy on the battlefield. As explained by Sun Tzu, deception is a superb way to upset asymmetrical balances of power while also minimizing one’s losses.

. . .Well aware of psychological warfare, the Mongol Empire is infamous for regularly massacring conquered towns to discourage further resistance. It also widely used propaganda to exaggerate the size of its forces. When the Mongols invaded Szechuan in 1258, the khan spread rumors that his 40,000 force actually numbered 100,000. They regularly used subterfuge to confuse the enemy and were quick to take advantage of any internal dissension among enemy ranks.