May 27, 2024

The End of Ukraine

Putin the Redeemer is reclaiming what the dumb Communists gave away in the last century, and what the even dumber Neocons tried to take in this century. 

Under the Neocon-backed coup regime, Ukraine has been sent down a fruitless path with no future in sight. The aim isn't victory but endless war against a bigger foe. 

As such, Ukraine can't be considered a sovereign country anymore. It is a lump in Russia's throat and nothing more. Its so-called elite allowed their people to be used as sacrificial pawns. 

The proud and noble people of Ukraine probably would've won a war of true national resistance against imperial oppression had that been the reality all along. 

But the Kiev cokeheads were the initiators of trouble and violence vis-à-vis Russia, egged on by the cowards who rule in Washington and London. 

Now they're realizing that winning a war requires more than sacrifice and flattery. Sacrifice is for losers, strategy is for winners, and Putin is clearly the better strategist. 


An excerpt from, "A Geostrategy for Eurasia" By Zbigniew Brzezinski, Foreign Affairs, Sep. - Oct., 1997:

A glance at the map also suggests that a country dominant in Eurasia would almost automatically control the Middle East and Africa. With Eurasia now serving as the decisive geopolitical chessboard, it no longer suffices to fashion one policy for Europe and another for Asia. What happens with the distribution of power on the Eurasian landmass will be of decisive importance to America's global primacy and historical legacy.

An excerpt from, "Russia and “Grand Eurasia”: Will It Work?" By Dmitri Trenin, Horizons: Journal of International Relations and Sustainable Development, Autumn 2017: 

Since the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, Moscow’s principal foreign policy objective was to join the West, as an integral player in Greater Europe and a major ally of the United States. Russian leaders achieved accession to the Council of Europe (1996), the G7 (1998), and the World Trade Organization (2012). They sought membership in NATO and the OECD, and even considered joining the EU. Essentially, Moscow was seeking a higher status within the West, enabling its full participation in all decision making, along-side Washington. This was not to be. Russia was offered partnership, but no special privileges and no role in Western decisionmaking.

Moscow’s refusal to accept American leadership is the primary cause of the estrangement between Russia and the United States, which has been growing since 1999 (the Kosovo crisis) and particularly since 2003 and 2004 (the Iraq War and Ukraine’s Orange Revolution).

A decade later, it took a much more severe crisis in Ukraine for Russia and the United States to move beyond what had become partnership in name only, toward overt confrontation.

Renewal of the U.S.-Russia rivalry, as well as Europe’s concerns and fears over Russia’s use of force and border changes, led to deep estrangement between Russia and EU member states.Despite rather strong economic links, cultural affinities, and human exchanges, Russia and the rest of Europe clearly parted ways after their unprecedented period of rapprochement following the end of the Cold War. Russia’s key relationship with Germany, which Moscow had allowed to reunify in 1990, became badly broken; and traditional links with France grew cold. Russia’s immediate neighbors, the Baltic republics and Poland, saw themselves as vulnerable frontline states; Sweden and Finland turned deeply suspicious, while Ukraine, for centuries part of the core of the Russian Empire and Soviet Union, became more hostile toward Moscow than probably any other country in the world.

An excerpt from, "Beyond the Neocon Debacle to Peace in Ukraine" By Jeffrey D. Sachs, October 4, 2023:

The neocons have created utter disasters in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, and now Ukraine. The US political system has not yet held the neocons to account, since foreign policy is carried out with little public or Congressional scrutiny to date. Mainstream media have sided with the slogans of the neocons.

Ukraine is at risk of economic, demographic and military collapse. What should the US Government do to face this potential disaster?

Urgently, it should change course. Britain advises the US to escalate, as Britain is stuck with 19th century imperial reveries. US neocons are stuck with imperial bravado. Cooler heads urgently need to prevail.