November 17, 2023

Alexander Waugh: Edward de Vere & Marlowe, Lyly, Kyd. 'BAND OF BROTHERS'



Alexander Evelyn Michael Waugh (born 1963) is an English writer, critic, and journalist. Among other books, he has written Fathers and Sons: The Autobiography of a Family (2004), about five generations of his own family, and The House of Wittgenstein: A Family at War (2008) about the Wittgenstein family. He is an advocate of the Oxfordian theory, which holds that Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford was the real author of the works of William Shakespeare.

In late October 2017, The Guardian reported that Waugh believes the title and dedication of the William Aspley edition of Shakespeare's sonnets of 1609 hold encrypted evidence of the final resting place of the author: de Vere's grave in Westminster Abbey's Poets' Corner.

Video Title: Alexander Waugh: Edward de Vere & Marlowe, Lyly, Kyd. 'BAND OF BROTHERS' ZOOM Webinar. 12 Dec, 2020. Source: The de Vere Society. Date Published: February 3, 2021.