October 23, 2023

Egyptian Origins of Israelite Monotheism?


Kathlyn M. (Kara) Cooney is an Egyptologist, archaeologist, professor of Egyptian Art and Architecture at UCLA and chair of the Department of Near Eastern Language and Cultures at UCLA. As well as for her scholarly work, she is known for hosting television shows on ancient Egypt on the Discovery Channel as well as for writing a popular-press book on the subject. She specialises in craft production, coffin studies, and economies in the ancient world.

Video Title: Egyptian Origins of Israelite Monotheism? Source: Digital Hammurabi. Date Published: September 15, 2022. Description:

Did ancient Israelites adopt monotheism from the Egyptians? Dr. Kara Cooney joins Megan to talk about this controversial topic. 

Dr. Cooney is a professor of Egyptian Art and Architecture at UCLA, and specializes in craft production, coffin studies, and economies in the ancient world. She is the author of "Good Kings: Absolute Power in Ancient Egypt and the Modern World", "When Women Ruled the World: Six Queens of Egypt", and "The Woman Who Would Be King: Hatshepsut's Rise to Power in Ancient Egypt". 

Skip to the 35 second mark.