July 25, 2023

Maestro Anthony Morss on Friedrich Schiller


"Man is made free!--Man by birthright is free,
Though the tyrant may deem him but born for his tool.
Whatever the shout of the rabble may be--
Whatever the ranting misuse of the fool--
Still fear not the slave, when he breaks from his chain,
For the man made a freeman grows safe in his gain.

And virtue is more than a shade or a sound,
And man may her voice, in this being, obey;
And though ever he slip on the stony ground,
Yet ever again to the godlike way,
To the science of good though the wise may be blind,
Yet the practice is plain to the childlike mind."

Video Title: Maestro Anthony Morss on Friedrich Schiller. Source: Schiller Institute NYC Chorus. Date Published: November 12, 2016.