May 31, 2013

Egypt's rebellion signatures hit 7 million (Video)

For background about the Egyptian rebellion campaign, read the article, "Egypt's anti-Morsi 'Rebel' campaign: An inside look" (Wednesday, May 29, 2013, Ahram Online). An excerpt: 
Founders of Egypt’s 'Rebel' campaign, a newly established movement that aims to withdraw confidence from President Mohamed Morsi by collecting citizens' signatures, spoke at an open forum on Tuesday to discuss the campaign, which has recently gone viral online and on the streets.

'Rebel' campaigners hope to collect 15 million signatures and hold a mass sit-in on 30 June – marking the end of Morsi's first year as president – to call for snap presidential elections and force Morsi out of office.

They appear confident that voters will not choose a Muslim Brotherhood candidate – or one associated with the former regime – this time around, but rather one representing Egypt's 2011 revolution.
Video Title: Egypt's rebellion signatures hit 7 million. YouTube Video Description - [Channel: CCTVAFRICALIVE. Published on May 30, 2013]:
A group of young Egyptians have launched what they're calling the rebellion campaign. They are collecting signatures from members of the public who say they no longer trust President, Mohammed Morsi. The group held a press conference on Wednesday to discuss the campaign's progress and launch their online website. Adel EL Mahrouky went to find out more.
A quote from Egyptian activist Hassan Shahin in the video below: "When we reach 15 million signatures it will send a message to the entire world that the Egyptian people do not want the president in power."

Fact: There is more opposition to Morsi in Egypt than there is opposition to Assad in Syria. This fact cancels out the idea that the uprising in Syria grew out of the momentum of the Arab Spring, and that Assad was another Mubarak waiting to fall due to public pressure. The reality is that Assad is one of the few popular Arab leaders in the entire region. It does not matter how long he has been in power because he still has popular support in his country.

Morsi's government is the fruit of the Arab Spring, but a significant amount of the Egyptian people, especially the young, do not consider him to be an authentic voice for their revolution. So, at least in Egypt the Arab Spring has so far not produced good and independent leaders. This tells us two things about the Arab Spring.

1) The world has not yet seen the full political and regional ramifications of the Arab Spring, it is like a baby that has not begun to talk and walk and thus does not know which direction to go towards. This baby has been taken in by abusive adoptive parents in the Muslim Brotherhood, who intent on raising it to follow its thought, ideology, economic plans, political beliefs, and extremist religious views.

2) The Muslim Brotherhood opportunists in Egypt, Tunisia, and other countries who have gained politically from the Arab Spring are even less popular than the leaders they succeeded. And it took them a mere two years to get to this point, so imagine how low their popularity level will be two years from now.