January 15, 2013

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

Mass murder pills have many negative side effects. There are better, alternative techniques to heal people who suffer from mental problems. One alternative is Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation [TMS]. Read about it here and here. And watch the two videos below for more information.

YouTube Video Description - [Channel: bu]:
A transcranial magnetic stimulation treatment is simulated by Domenic Ciraulo, a MED professor and chair of the department of psychiatry and chief psychiatrist at Boston Medical Center, and Maryam Afshar, a MED assistant professor and principal investigator of the alcohol study at BMC.

YouTube Video Description - [Channel: mayoclinic]:
Simon Kung, M.D., psychiatrist at Mayo Clinic, describes using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) for treating depression. A non-medication alternative.