September 28, 2012

Gordon Duff: Mossad organized US embassy attack

Dr. Webster Tarpley and Dr. Steve Pieczenik have also said that the assassination of the American ambassador in Libya was a false flag that was planned in advance of the release of the trailer for the stupid "film" titled "Innocence of Muslims." It was previously called, "Desert Warrior."

In the video below, Gordon Duff, senior editor of Veterans Today, mentions a recent letter by U.S. nuclear expert Clinton Bastin that was sent to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, American President Barack Obama, and IAEA Director General Yukiya Amato. For more, read: Netanyahu Caught Ignoring Top IAEA ‘No Iran Bomb’ Report. Also, check this out to learn more about Clinton Bastin's background and his insights on the Iranian nuclear program.

Gordon Duff: Mossad organized US embassy attack