June 15, 2012

Obama's Re-election Strategy: Put Nation To Sleep With Speeches

 Photo of Obama falling asleep on the job. 

To win in November, Barack Obama is giving boring speeches around the country to put the rest of America in a state of sleep until November 5th. Read this article to learn more about Obama's clever re-election strategy: "President Obama’s Speech Gets A Thumbs Down From Political Press Corps."

In the article, various journalists reflect on a recent Obama speech. They called it long and slow. It seems Obama is losing the enthusiasm of his cheerleaders in the press. This is great news for the liberty and truth movement. Obama no longer has that "It" factor. And neither does his foe. Obama and Romney are the two most boring public speakers in history. The Summer-Fall presidential campaign will put people to sleep, if they're not already, making voting on November 4 irrelevant.

Obama and Romney will continue to make horrible speeches, and reveal themselves for what they truly are: empty suits with empty minds and empty souls. Empty suits can't give riveting speeches that can pick up a nation's morale and excite people. Empty suits speak empty words and give empty hope. The good news for Obama is that Romney is even more empty than he is. So Obama is going to win in November by default.