May 15, 2012

Absolute Madness: Stop Netanyahu, Or The World Will End In Hellfire

 Netanyahu and Barak: War Criminals And Mass Murderers.

You're reading the headline and thinking, "Too much, man. Tone it down."

Tone it down? How can I? We are in full-blown danger mode right now.

Netanyahu has his demon-infested eyes set on war with Iran, he has a new political coalition, and he has 400 nukes at his fingertips! Should we not be scared out of our minds? Should we entertain and medicate ourselves to oblivion? Should we pretend that Netanyahu and the crazy Israeli hawks in America are just bluffing?

These lunatics are not bluffing. They want to start world war three. They are using lies and fear to convince their captured flocks that Iran has a nuclear weapon and is going to strike Israel at any minute. This is absolute madness!

Netanyahu and the other criminal madmen in Israel must be stopped from attacking Iran. If Israel goes completely mad and attacks Iran, the Middle East will burn, the global economy will collapse, and America will pay the ultimate price: destruction.

Can Netanyahu and his criminal masters be stopped?

Philip Giraldi wrote in his article, "A Tipping Point for Israel":
"Netanyahu knows that the tide is running against him and everything he represents, particularly as the criticism from former senior officials in his own country continues to mount, but he is too obdurate to do what must be done. One of Israel’s darkest secrets is the extent to which young, educated Jews are fleeing the country for greener pastures, most notably the United States. By some guesstimates, one third of university-educated second- and third-generation Israeli Jews have left the country. They are leaving behind the recent Russian immigrants, many of whom are not actually religiously or ethnically Jewish, and the Islamophobic racists who constitute the core of the hard right in Israel. Israel publishes no statistics on the brain drain, which has intensified the country’s demographic problem and lessened its competitiveness.

So we have reached the point where the proverbial cat is out of the bag. Everyone, with the possible exception of the U.S. Congress, has become aware that there is something terribly wrong with Israel. In Israel itself, where there is often ferocious debate over the country’s policies, it is time for a reckoning. Does Israel want to become a normal state with correct relationships with its neighbors, including an independent Palestine, or does it want to continue down the road that it is pursuing, which is folly and will lead to ruin? The choice is ultimately Israel’s, but, for the first time, Americans are actually beginning to talk and write freely and openly about the problem."
I doubt reason will win the day. The current Israeli and American governments hate logic and truth. Israel's irrationality shows no signs of ending. Netanyahu and his fellow gangsters have Israel, the Obama White House, and the American media by the throat. Life is being squeezed out. War is next.