April 1, 2012

U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan Ryan Crocker's Crock of Shit

 Hijacked U.S. Government: Be Afraid Of The Big Bad Wolf.

The U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan says America must continue to kill innocent women and children in Afghanistan or else the big bad wolf called Al-Qaeda will hop on a plane and blow down America's house again. Oooh, so scary.

U.S. ambassador: al Qaeda could plan other 9/11 from Afghanistan unless we keep fighting 

Madison Ruppert, Contributor 
Activist Post 
According to Ryan Crocker, the American ambassador to Kabul, if the United States does not continue to occupy Afghanistan, al Qaeda would be able to plan and carry out another September 11, 2001-style attack.

Of course, this is hindered by the fact that in reality, neither al Qaeda nor Afghanistan can be held responsible for the tragic events of that day, based on the fact that there is clear evidence of a long-term cover-up and the official story is nothing short of farcical.

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