April 3, 2012

A Ponzi Civilization: Bernie Madoff Should Be The Only Face On The U.S. Dollar

Federal Reserve Notes Belong In The Toilet.

Bernie Madoff, Ben Bernanke, and Barack Obama are names that belong in the same sentence. They have destroyed global public confidence in the U.S. government and U.S. financial system.

Peter Schiff says Bernanke "is a very dangerous and very foolish man." But while Madoff was put in prison for his crimes, Obama and Bernanke have been hailed as heroes by the clownish media. It seems the tables have turned. The unprofessional liars in the media are now on the fringe of the political debate. They hold the fringe view that Bernanke and Obama are doing a good job. This view is crazy and absurd. The mislabeled mainstream media no longer has any respectability. They are on the wrong side of history.

The American founding fathers are staring down at Obama and Bernanke, and wondering, "How did it come to this?"

The visionary founding fathers of America fought against the scamming banksters of their day, only to witness from the heavens the financial enemies of America secretly gain control of the American republic in 1913 by using con tricks and propaganda.

A century after its founding, the Federal Reserve Cartel has almost fulfilled its historic mission: the destruction of the United States of America and the creation of a global fascist government.

Life is going to fundamentally change in America and the world once the value of the U.S. dollar drops down to the level of toilet paper. If you are holding U.S. dollars, you are literally holding crap in your hands. Sorry for the image, but that is the reality. Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke and President Barack Obama, two of the most self-satisfied criminals and con artists in history, cannot continue their confidence game forever.

In a Washington Post/ABC poll from July 2010, nearly sixty percent of the American people said they had no confidence in Obama's presidency. And seventy percent of the American people said in a July 2009 Gallup poll that they had no confidence in the Federal Reserve and Bernanke.

As the summer of 2012 draws closer, the public approval ratings of Obama and Bernanke are collapsing. These two puppets, far from being heroes and saviours of the global economic crisis, are, in reality, anti-American traitors who have perpetuated the private central banking fraud and protected the financial criminals on Wall Street from prosecutions. 

Obama and Bernanke have become trolls in the eyes of the world who cannot reverse the collapse of public confidence in Washington and turn crap into gold with the use of words. The Economic Collapse says that Washington's "15 Trillion Dollar Party" is coming to an end in a new article. Here is an excerpt:
"Instead of interest rates on U.S. Treasuries rising to attract additional investors, the U.S. Federal Reserve has been intervening to make up the difference.

This is essentially "monetizing the debt" and it is something that Ben Bernanke promised that he would never do.

But he is doing it.

If the Federal Reserve was not buying up all this debt, interest rates on U.S. debt would soar and so would U.S. government interest payments.

Yes, this is a giant Ponzi scheme and it cannot last for long.

Of course all of this could have been avoided if our politicians had not been running up such massive amounts of debt all these years."
The people who are expected to pay for America's giant criminal wars, giant spending bills, giant bank bailouts, giant tax cuts for the plutocracy, and giant monetary inflation are the middle class and poor of America, as Ron Paul always says. Their savings, their lives, and their dreams of retirement are being sacrificed by the globalist hijacked U.S. Empire and criminal Federal Reserve cartel.

The war criminals and crazy banksters who control Washington created the global war crisis and the global financial crisis by staging the false flag attack on 9/11, invading innocent countries in the name of fighting terror, and using the American people's taxes to fund their wild private schemes.

But these crooks have a getaway plan. They plan on invoking diplomatic immunity and hiding behind international organizations and agreements. Also, they will order their illegally formed global army to wage war against individuals who don't want to be slaves to a despicable global fascist regime that is being born out of state-sponsored terror, economic fraud, and manufactured chaos.

The world will be forever enslaved if the insane war criminals and financial barbarians who stole the American government from the American people get away with their crimes against humanity and continue to steal and murder with impunity under a new global political and economic system. They need to be exposed and locked up.