Wall Street: Home of International Terrorism.
"The English language is constantly being twisted and pulled in every direction by those who wish to mislead or misdirect us about what is really happening in and to our world. That’s why it’s essential that those of us who want to expose and propagate the truth – about 9/11 and other related events – not make it any easier for them." - Craig McKee, "The fog of words: how we inadvertently reinforce the 9/11 official story."
"An iron curtain of night and of total tyranny is descending upon every nation on Earth right now. The globalists have taken over." - Alex Jones, "IRS Coup: The Absolute Enslavement of All Americans."
"The bankers run the terrorists. It's so elementary. And they use them to take our freedoms. It isn't our government. It isn't our country. It's been taken." - Alex Jones, "The Day The Government Has Made."
"O divine art of subtlety and secrecy! Through you we learn to be invisible, through you inaudible and hence we can hold the enemy's fate in our hands." - Sun Tzu.The evidence of insider trading surrounding the 9/11 events is the biggest proof there is that psychopathic Wall Street bankers and their coldblooded CIA partners hijacked America. Their allegiance is not to the American government or to the American people, but to their own private, secret, and transnational networks of wealth and power.
"There is no mode of action, no form of emotion, that we do not share with the lower animals. It is only by language that we rise above them, or above each other---by language, which is the parent, and not the child, of thought." - Oscar Wilde.
German journalist Lars Schall investigated 9/11 insider trading for Asia Times. Building on the research in his article, Schall made a forty minute documentary with Michael Leitner called, "Terror Trading 9/11," that features interviews with Max Keiser, Kevin Ryan, and Michael Ruppert.
The documentary's clear-sighted and measured presentation of the facts about insider trading by Wall Street bankers connected to former high-level CIA officials is another nail in the coffin of the official government lie about 9/11.
This video clip from a Dutch TV documentary that was made in September 2006 called, "German Computer Analysts Discover 9/11 Insider Trading Hard Disk Data," reveals even more evidence that funny business was going on inside major Wall Street firms, and CIA-connected companies that profited off of the 9/11 fraud.
These investigations into insider trading prior to 9/11 give greater meaning to the phrase "financial terrorism," coined by Max Keiser, a financial analyst, TV host, and former Wall Street broker.
Bankers are bigger national security threats than terrorists will ever be.
The Federal Reserve and Wall Street are to the American system of government what the Mullahs are to the Iranian system of government. Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke should have the title "Ayatollah" in front of his name because his word is accepted as holy and infallible in Washington, the financial markets, and the establishment media.
The private Federal Reserve-Wall Street-CIA regime is anti-American and anti-freedom at its core. It has been constructed on the gravesite of the American constitutional republic with the weapons of financial usurpation, media deception, silent treason, secret governance, political fraud, political assassinations, and false flag terrorism. "Instead of an American national policy, what we have is a policy agreeable to financiers and imperialists," said historian Webster G. Tarpley in an interview with Voltairenet.org in July 2009.
But the age of fraud and deception is ending. The tyrannical terrorist regime in Washington is collapsing because it no longer has the consent of the governed.
The grand myth of 9/11 is officially six feet under. It is only a matter of time before the people of the world shovel dirt on the coffin of the war on terror, and bury it along with the reputations of the CIA, Mossad, the private Federal Reserve cartel, and Wall Street. The truth about 9/11 provides the foundational building stones for the construction of the tomb in which these evil, corrupt, and undemocratic institutions will be put to rest.
II. The High Rollers Who Destroyed The American Economy And The American Constitution
It is not an accident of history or a sheer coincidence that Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama have shady backgrounds, and involved in crimes and drugs. Only mentally unbalanced, psychologically twisted, and drugged out individuals can carry out acts of high treason in the highest office of the land and then go out in public and pretend to be honest representatives of the American people.
Clinton, Bush, and Obama have treated the office of the presidency as a joke because they have absolute disdain for the laws of the United States and the American people. They are aliens in their mentality and in their view of America and the world.
But the deep corruption and high treason did not begin with these presidential puppets, or in the fall of 2001. Private transnational central bankers, not generals or presidents, and certainly not the people, have had the final say in Washington since 1913.
The assassination of President John F. Kennedy by the bankster owned CIA was the symbolic proof that America is under financial occupation. The murder of JFK momentarily cracked open the collective psyche of America, injured it, and was quickly closed shut by the media in order to suppress the painful discovery from the American people that they don't have any say in the governance of their country. The traumatic event of JFK's death at the hands of the treacherous CIA shattered the myth that America is governed by the people, and exposed the extent to which the oligarchical establishment in the United States is willing to go to retain its special privileges and political dominance.
But, due to the heroic struggle of JFK truth-tellers and 9/11 truth-tellers to raise the buried truths of recent American history to mainstream public consciousness, the damaged collective psyche of America is self-repairing itself, without the aid of institutions.
The restoration of freedom and the rule of law in the public square begins with the restoration of the individual mind in the private home along with the collective psyche of American society. Government based on consent of the governed cannot survive and flourish if conscious citizens do not protect the public mind from the insidious weapons of collective brainwashing, and government mind control.
Getting rid of the transnational private central bankers, financial terrorists, and state terrorists who orchestrated the 9/11 fraud is simple and easy. The difficult part is getting rid of the myths, political propaganda, and official lies that they psychologically engineered into the global collective mind through their Machiavellian manipulation of the mainstream media.
What is most tragic about the financial and mental rape of America is that America was warned by its founding fathers. "Banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies," said Thomas Jefferson. America's 20th century history proved him right. What no army in the world could have done in a thousand years, the private Federal Reserve banking cartel accomplished in a hundred: the conquest of the American people, and the destruction of the United States of America.
Terror Trading 9/11 (2012)
German Computer Analysts Discover 9/11 Insider Trading Hard Disk Data (2006)