March 11, 2012

Beware The Wrath of The Persians

"Don't run around this world looking for a hole to hide in." - Rumi, (Translated by Coleman Barks).
"Even more emphatically than Aeschylus, Herodotus respects the Persians and considers them capable of thinking like Greeks. When he registers the outrageous behaviour of Xerxes towards the dead body of Leonidas he emphasizes that it was an exception; 'the Persians are of all men known to me the most wont to honour valiant warriors' (7.238). He believes that the Lydians and the Greeks brought upon themselves the wrath of the Persians by their provocative conduct." - Arnaldo Momigliano. "Alien Wisdom: The Limits of Hellenization." Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. 1971. Pg. 130

"Then the Judge of truth, who desires not the death of the sinner, but that he may turn again and live, sent on us the evil Persian race, as a rod of chastisement and medicine of rebuke. And they advanced with a great force and numerous host. They seized all the land of Syria ; they put to flight the Greek 3 detachments and forces, and sundry of them they captured, and thereafter began to enter with a swarming army and to capture every city and village. And they reached Palestine and its borders, and they arrived at Caesarea, which is the metropolis. But there they begged for a truce, and bowed their necks in submission. After that the enemy advanced to Sarapeon, and captured it, as well as all the seaboard cities together with their hamlets. . . .

Next they reached Judea ; and came to a large and famous city, a Christian city, which is Jerusalem, city of the Son of God. And they came on in wrath and mighty anger of soul; and the Lord surrendered it into their hands, and they fulfilled all in accordance with His will. And who can depict what took place within Jerusalem and in her streets? Who number the multitude of dead who lay stretched in Jerusalem ? . . ." - Frederick Cornwallis Conybeare, "Antiochus Strategos, The Capture of Jerusalem by the Persians in 614 AD," English Historical Review 25 (1910).

"Herodotus additionally makes the point that Athens attacked Persian possessions in Asia before the Persians attacked Greek when he emphasizes that 'the sailing of this fleet [the Athenian fleet to attack Persia in Asia Minor] was the beginning of troubles not only for Greece, but for the rest of the world.' From the Persian viewpoint, therefore, not only was Athens in revolt, but it was also the aggressor." - Warwick Ball, "Towards One World: Ancient Persia and the West." 2010. East & West Publishing: London. Pg. 57.

"Israel’s movable dates for Iran acquiring a nuclear weapon take on the character of the predictions of Nostradamus or those of Christian millennials who announce the date of the Second Coming.  Another aspect of the millennialist world view that Israel’s shreying about Iran shares is a profound, almost religious faith in the certainty, not only of the prediction, but that the cause for which these predictions are offered is something close to sacred. . .  It’s always best to couch attacks on Iran not in terms of promoting Israeli interests, but rather promoting non-partisan values that we all can agree on, like human rights. . . As a sort of pressure valve to release tensions around the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the Iran threat is highly useful.  The Palestinian demand for justice and an independent state pales in the face of the so-called existential threat posed by Iran not just to Israel, but (at least in the Israeli narrative) the entire world." - Richard Silverstein, "Iran: Israel’s Concocted World Threat," March 10, 2012.

"Xerxes: Do not fear everything nor reckon equally for everything: for if you should set yourself with regard to all matters which come up at any time, to reckon for everything equally, you would never perform any deed. It is better to have good courage about everything and to suffer half the evils which threaten, than to have fear beforehand about everything and not to suffer any evil at all. . .but how should one who is but man know the course which is safe? I think, in no way. To those then who choose to act, for the most part gain is wont to come; but to those who reckon for everything and shrink back, it is not much wont to come. You see the power of the Persians, to what great might it has advanced: if then those who came to be kings before me had had opinions like to yours, or, though not having such opinions, had had such counsellors as you, you would never have seen it brought forward to this point. As it is however, by running risks they conducted it on to this: for great power is in general gained by running great risks." - Herodotus, "The Histories," Book VII. 50.
Israel has taken on the mantle of ancient Athens in a deceptive bid to claim the cause of Western freedom against Persian despotism and Islamic terrorism. Israel's creation of this modern mythology is clever and cute, but history will judge Israel's master deceptions as a great crime against humankind and God.

Israel's malicious slander and acts of terrorism against Iran are reflective of the fact that Israel is an insecure, petty, aggressive, and criminal nation. It is a sign of weakness to disrespect your enemy and treat him with contempt. Israel believes it can get away with acting towards Iran in this manner because it enjoys the full support of America, and possesses its own substantial nuclear arsenal.

But brute force alone does not decide the outcome of war. Moral force is a great spiritual resource that a nation of might can draw on. Nukes can level cities, but they cannot destroy the spirit of nations, obliterate the memories of the living, and put to dust the truth of history. Might without right is devoid of real power, the kind of power that lasts throughout history and shapes the hearts of men for generations.

Israel believes it can overcome its moral failure by brainwashing mankind with its powerful media resources to make the nations of the world believe that Israel is a victim and the vigilant defender of the West, while Iran is the evil terrorist and adversary of the West.

Israel's criminal masterminds hope to destroy the truth of history, from the truth about the false flag 9/11 attacks, to the truth about Israel's naked aggression against Iran. But the force of reality and truth is greater than all of the lies that Israel has made up about the Palestinian struggle, the 9/11 attacks, Hezbollah, and Iran.

I wish Israel well. But under its current demonic leadership it is cursed to hell. So I hope to God that Israel's leaders are not acting independently, but instead are being pushed to attack Iran by the globalists in London and Washington, because if the latter is true, then Israel can be forgiven and she will be saved. But if Israel's leaders are acting as independent actors then may God have mercy upon Israel.

I hope the first scenario is true, that Israel has been captured by Satan against its own will; and that Israel is being used as a pawn by the London-based money masters as part of the Luciferian one world order agenda, because then my heart would grieve for Israel and her sacrificial people. I want a peaceful and tolerant Israel to have a lasting place in the Middle East and in the hearts of mankind. But a warlike and aggressive Israel deserves to be destroyed and subdued.

It was insanely bold for Tel Aviv and Washington to murder innocent Americans in the criminal act of terror on September 11, 2001, and then exploit that tragedy to wage evil wars against innocent countries, and reduce their people to abject slavery.

Israel's criminal boldness has no limits. Israel's baseless accusation that Iran is harboring evil intentions, and is pursuing nuclear weapons to fulfill its intentions, is criminally evil. It is satanic slander. With this grand lie, Israel's secret leaders seek to launch an attack on Iran and usher in a nuclear apocalypse. All the while, Israel is posing as the little victim who is stepping up on behalf of the West to face down the Iranian menace and save civilization from destruction. What nerve!

The wrath of the people of Iran and the Middle East against Israel, America, and England is morally justified because of the massive crimes against humanity that have been committed by these three great satanic nations.

Wrath is a divine response to injustice and abuse at the hands of evil monsters who have transcended the moral laws and natural boundaries of mankind.

If Iran is attacked, Israel and America will feel a wrath of biblical proportions that will shake up the world and turn the holy land into holy dust.