January 30, 2012

Using Holocaust Imagery To Demonize Israel's Jewish And Non-Jewish Critics

A controversial article in Tablet magazine by Spencer Ackerman connects the critics of post-9/11 false flag and post-Gaza massacre Israel with an image of Hitler's head, and has a tagline that reads: "Note to some of my fellow progressives: If we can’t argue about Israel without using anti-Semitic tropes, then the debate is lost before it even begins."

The implication is that Hitler overshadows democratic criticism of Israel in the 21st century, which is a big and ugly lie. Israel's Jewish and non-Jewish critics are doing the responsible and right thing by criticizing the immoral defenders of the Israeli terrorist state.

Tikun Olam blogger Richard Silverstein criticized the use of Hitler's image by Tablet to bash Israel's Jewish and non-Jewish critics, writing:
"I’ve displayed the disgusting graphic that accompanies Ackerman’s piece which implies that those who use the term “Israel Firster” are doing Hitler’s work. Isn’t this precisely what Ackerman is decrying? The abuse of overwrought Holocaust memes to discredit the real ideas of our enemies? So what’s worse: Israel Firster or invoking the Holocaust where it doesn’t belong? Spencer Ackerman and Tabloid’s editors are hypocrites. Total friggin’ hypocrites." - Richard Silverstein, "What Spencer Ackerman Doesn’t Know about the Pro-Israel Crowd Could Fill a Book (or More)" January 27, 2012.
What is an Israeli-firster? Mairav Zonszein gives the best definition in an article in Haaretz on January 27, 2012 called, "The downside of unbridled support for Israel":
"Israel-firsters" are not those who put Israel first, but rather those who put an Israeli right-wing agenda first, even at the expense of American interests.
That sentence seals the deal for me. The loudest champions of Israel's current policies towards the Palestinians, the Arabs, the Persians, the Americans, the Europeans, and pretty much the entire human race, are the biggest Nazis around.

If people want to use Nazi and Holocaust references in the Israel-Palestinian conflict and the Israel-Iran debate, let's not mix it up. It is Israel who is imitating the Nazi regime, which used false flag terrorism both domestically and in the international arena, and committed numerous acts of aggression against peaceful neighbours.

The twin-headed dragon of Netanyahu and Barak is the biggest monster the world has seen since the days of Hitler and Stalin. They are demons who are in love with war, blood, and conquest. Whoever stands beside them at this critical hour in history is an enemy of the Jewish people, America, and the human race.