January 1, 2012

Ron Paul Denies That The Bush White House And Shadow CIA Did 9/11 on ABC's This Week

Ron Paul is doing the smart thing by rejecting the reality that 9/11 was done by the Bush White House and the shadow CIA. This is understandable. Dr. Paul does not have to raise the 9/11 question on the campaign trail. This elephant in the room is too big for one single man to take on. It is the responsibility of us bloggers and activists to continue to spread the truth about the 9/11 attacks and the fraudulent war on terror.

We must have a bee-swarming effect and destroy the government propaganda. After the propaganda is destroyed, our main job will be done. And then the fun of catching the bad guys really begins.

Once public opinion is clearly on the side of the truth that the U.S. shadow government and the Israeli shadow government did 9/11 then politicians like Dr. Paul can safely stick out their necks and take the bull by the horns.

Ron Paul Calls 9/11 Conspiracy Charge ‘Nonsense’

By Jake Tapper
January 1, 2012
ABC News

GOP presidential candidate Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, strongly disputed a charge by a former congressional aide that he discussed conspiracy theories about the U.S. government being behind the Sept. 11 attacks, calling the claims “nonsense” and “off-the-wall.”

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