Establishment Media Maggots, Soulless Pawns of The NWO-Zionist Empire.
Ron Paul The White, Leader of The Fellowship of The Republic.
Ron Paul The White, Leader of The Fellowship of The Republic.

The publisher of the New Hampshire Union Leader said that "Ron Paul is a dangerous man."
"9/11 Truthers are wrongheaded and irresponsible because all credible evidence so clearly and persuasively discounts their inane theories. And even in the immediate aftermath of the attacks, I never suspected that President Bush was involved."- Conor Friedersdorf; Conspiracy Theories on the Right: Ron Paul Is Only the Beginning, The Atlantic, December 29, 2011.
"Paul knows where his bread is buttered. He regularly appears on the radio program of Alex Jones, a vocal 9/11 and New World Order conspiracy theorist based in his home state of Texas. On Jones’s show earlier this month, Paul alleged that the Iranian plot to kill the Saudi ambassador on United States soil was a “propaganda stunt” perpetrated by the Obama administration. . . .Ron Paul is a paranoid conspiracy theorist who regularly imputes the worst possible motives to the very government he wants to lead." - James Kirchick; Ron Paul’s World, The New York Times, December 29, 2011.
He's right, and he's wrong. Ron Paul is dangerous, but in the same way the American founding fathers were dangerous. He is an incorruptible, tenacious, and principled fighter in freedom's corner. The thugs and tyrants in Washington are right to fear him and call him dangerous.
Peace and freedom are dangerous notions to the war criminals in Washington and Tel Aviv, and to the media maggots who shamelessly defend them in the establishment media. According to these undeclared enemies of America and freedom, we must all accept endless war and permanent slavery like slaves.
But not all of us wish to be slaves. Some of us are dangerous because we think for ourselves rather than blindly trust our hijacked and fascist governments.
Dr. Paul should be dangerous to those in power who fear justice and truth and hate to see the U.S. constitution restored. He is a rebellious, moral, and courageous American with a huge global following. It is obvious why such a remarkable man is unfairly smeared as a racist, isolationist, and conspiracy theorist.
But he is none of these things. Dr. Paul is a genuine American hero and revolutionary, not a dangerous racist.
The new world order cabal's only option against Dr. Paul is a smear campaign. They are out of bullets. They have to wage a useless media war and try in vain to neutralize him by destroying his good name because it would not look well if the shadow CIA assassinated him.
But since everybody anticipated the media onslaught against Dr. Paul after the ludicrous media blackout, it has not been effective. There is no surprise element in the newsletter-racism smear. 2012 isn't an exact repeat of 2008. The tricks and smears have lost their poisonous sting. The American people have not been swayed by the media's hateful and dishonest smear campaign against Dr. Paul.
Dr. Paul has what puppet Obama and the Republican retards do not: the love of the American people. Yes, love. It is a powerful force in politics. Don't underestimate a people's love for a good, old doctor who has the best interests of his country, and humanity, at heart.
In a sane and normal world, Ron Paul should be awarded a Nobel Peace prize for his tireless efforts to build a strong bridge of friendship and respect between America and the rest of the world.
But we don't live in a sane and normal world. We live in an insane and abnormal world, that's why evil warmakers like Barack Obama are given Nobel Prizes while peacemakers like Ron Paul are smeared as racists, isolationists, and conspiracy theorists.
It is a shame that the liars and sycophants in the American state media are attacking the only man in the 2012 presidential race who desires to save America from national bankruptcy and a catastrophic world war in the Middle East.
But we should not be mad at these media maggots. Petty pawns do not deserve our righteous anger. Our fight for freedom and peace is against the evil eye of power, not the worthless and shameless scum who are slaves to it.