December 25, 2011

Rewriting And Updating Mankind's History For The Post-Contact Era

If history is humanity's cultural and psychological software, then it needs serious updating.

Our current software, the history of the last several centuries and especially the last century, has been corrupted by lies and grand historical myths that only serve a powerful and interconnected few. As a result, humanity has shut down. We are running on deficient and outdated software.

We need to update our cultural, social, political, and psychological software. We need to rewrite the history of the modern era and human history in general before we can understand our current crisis and participate in the creation of the future with confidence and faith in our political systems.

The biggest dark spot in the history of our age is the presence of extraterrestrials on Earth. The lack of public, political, scientific, academic, and media discussion about this history-changing phenomenon is an example of a cultural software malfunction caused by shadowy political authorities that is negatively affecting the growth of humanity.

But there is a lot of global resistance to the suppression of E.T. evidence, and this resistance is a natural consequence of the free spread of information on the Internet about the worldwide phenomenon.

How we react to the dramatic changes ahead depends on the accuracy of information that we receive today, and tomorrow. The less we watch television and read newspapers, the better off we will be.

Modern totalitarian political systems and politically entrenched media institutions have acted as gatekeepers of mankind's destiny and banned information about the reality of aliens and alien civilizations not for legitimate reasons, but for political and economic reasons.

In the hands of the treasonous gatekeepers, history has been formed into a weapon used to manipulate and enslave humanity. They have suppressed the evidence of U.S.-Israeli state-sponsored terrorism and the real meaning of epoch-transforming events like the JFK assassination and the 9/1 attacks.

But the dominance of human culture and human thinking by the gatekeepers is not total. Their control of the collective understanding of human history has weakened since the rise of the Internet and the independent media.

The history of the 20th century needs to be rewritten because the official history is a lie. In fact, the entire history of humanity and human civilization needs to be rewritten. This is not an impossible task.

The most effective and easiest thing we can do as citizens to recover and rewrite history for the benefit of humanity is to talk about the suppressed truths and suppressed realities. By talking and writing about 9/11 truth and alien civilizations we can change minds, change governments, and change human destiny.

The simple act of communicating can create evolutionary change.

Historian Richard Dolan said he co-wrote "A.D.: After Disclosure: The People's Guide to Life After Contact," in 2010 with Hollywood producer/writer Bryce Zabel with the goal "to start a conversation," about all the implications of the presence of alien civilizations in our midst.

Dolan says that the U.S. government's official Disclosure of the UFO reality will be a "game changing event," writing:
"For Disclosure -- true Disclosure complete with Capital D -- was something we decided was inevitable and would bring major changes to our social, cultural, psychological, economic, spiritual, scientific, and political way of doing things. No matter what the Others are, our world will change in certain unavoidable ways. It is the wild stallion that, once released, no rider can tame."
The discovery that our universe is a lot like the Lord of The Rings, a universe that is inhabited by several different beings and civilizations, will rock our world. Humanity will be truth-bombed into the opposite of the Stone Age.

Our world, and our history, is just as rich and glorious as the world that Tolkien invented.

With the public acknowledgement of E.T.s and alien civilizations, we will realize that creation and life is bigger than our imagination.

We will never know what we are made of as a species as long as we are content with being hobbits on little Earth who mindlessly gobble up the lies told by governments and other authorities. We can play a part in changing the destiny of the world if we open our minds and see the world differently from what we were taught in school as children and what we are told by the government and media as adults.

There are leaders in this historic battle for history and human destiny, such as Stephen Bassett of the Paradigm Research Group, and former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer.

Hellyer said in April 2008 at the X-Conference at the National Press Club in Washington D.C:
"How much has been accomplished in sixty years of feverish activity by some of the most educated minds in the United States. Has America developed flying saucers that are visually indistinguishable from the visitors, as alleged? And if so, what do they propose to do with them?

Even more critical, what progress has been made in the development of clean energy sources that could conceivably replace fossil fuels and save the planet from becoming a veritable wasteland?

Who has the answers? Someone does. But apparently they aren't telling either secretaries of defense or presidents because they don't have a "need to know."

In a story told by Dr. Steven Greer, President Clinton was asked a question by White House reporter Sarah McClendon about why he didn't do something about disclosure, and Clinton replied: 'Sarah, there is a government inside the government and I don't control it.'

Excuse me, doesn't the Commander in Chief, and the person who allegedly has their finger on the nuclear trigger, have a right to know what his subordinates are doing. The people of the United States, who have paid the bills, have the right to know. The people of the world demand to know because it is our descendants, too, whose lives are in mortal danger.

It is time for the people of the United States to launch a new war against the evil of lies, deceit, and darkness, and go all out to win the victory of truth, and transparency, and light."
Richard Dolan has made advances on key battlegrounds for the side of truth in the "war against the evil of lies, deceit, and darkness," by writing two critically acclaimed books on the UFO phenomenon called, "UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Coverup, 1941-1973," and "The Cover-Up Exposed, 1973-1991 (UFOs and the National Security State, Vol. 2)."

In an interview with Henrik Palmgren of Red Ice Radio in March 2011, Dolan said that humanity is entering the most critical and evolutionary stage of its development as a species:
"My suspicion, my view of the whole scenario of our current world is sort of as follows: I think that humanity right now is of intense interest to a variety of intelligences that have the ability to come here and to observe us, and to some extent to interact with us and to interact with our world.

I happen to think that humanity right now is, as it were, the greatest show in this quadrant of the galaxy. And the reason is that we've made this leap in just really the last century or two into a scientifically-based civilization that has been able exponentially to increase its own technological capabilities. And in another generation, or two, or three, realistically I think we might just be leaping into their world. And I think that they know this. And so that fact has brought a number of these groups here to observe us."
Some people imagine Aliens to be superheroes with the keys to unlock our potential and set us on the road to better things, while others picture them as dark and mysterious villains. Both views are wrong.

I think being afraid of aliens is silly. If they wanted to kill us and colonize our planet they would've done it already. We should choose love over fear, trust over despair, and peace over conflict.

There is more evidence to suggest that they are our creators who changed our DNA rather than being our worst enemies.

Plus, why be afraid of aliens when we have more reasons to be afraid of the greedy monsters who control our governments and cover up acts of state terrorism like 9/11?

Human history has shown that we are our own worst enemies, so how much harm can aliens do to us that we have not already done to our own kind?

I am more scared of the totalitarian war-makers within the transnational shadow government who claim to be protecting the world from manufactured terrorists than I am from the aliens above the transnational shadow government.