The picture above shows the December 5, 2011 cover of Crime Magazine for the U.S., Europe, Asia, and South Pacific editions.
Notice anything strange?
A week ago, Madison Ruppert, editor of the website End the Lie, pointed to Crime Magazine's U.S. cover and raised the question, "Why is the American establishment media sanitizing reality?" He wrote:
The December 5th, 2011 cover of Time Magazine represents a disturbing truth: the American corporate-controlled establishment media presents a picture of the world that is meant to placate and pacify the people of the United States in favor of presenting reality as it is.Author and Salon blogger Glenn Greenwald said this about Crime Magazine's blatant censorship policy towards the U.S. market, writing on twitter: "So revealing: here's what Time Magazine thinks of its American readership."While the covers of the European, Asian, and South Pacific editions have an image of chaos in the streets in Egypt with “Revolution Redux” in bold white letters in the center, the American edition is a cartoon with the headline “Why Anxiety is Good for You.”
Is this just a meaningless marketing tactic or does it exemplify the greater trend in how the American corporate media presents the world to the people of the United States?
I tend towards the latter, given the fact that this is something that is inescapable when consuming media marketed to people in the United States.
What are Crime Magazine's motives behind this policy? Do they think the American people do not want to read about world-changing events and complex political realities and so they publish anti-intellectual new stories? Or are their motives more undemocratic, sinister and diabolical than that?
According to a lot of people, Crime Magazine has a point. If the American people are more interested in gossip material and non-political related stories, then it makes sense for a magazine like Crime to publish those kind of stories while taking a different approach overseas. But is that really true? Or is that a bullshit cover story to print anti-political pieces and keep the American people in a bubble while force feeding them garbage?
I, like many people, believe that the motives of Crime Magazine to block political news in the U.S. are treasonous and undemocratic in nature.
The propagandists at Crime Magazine, top media moguls, and their partners inside the shadow terrorist states in Washington and Israel don't want the American people to be informed and engaged in the critical issues of the day because they are afraid of them. And they should be. Here are three reasons why:
1. If the American people were informed about American foreign policy and economic policy they would stop supporting what their criminal and hijacked government is doing in their name.
2. The moral wisdom and political maturity of the American people will counterbalance the immorality and criminality of the American power elite. The American people are not in favor of American hegemony. And they don't want the U.S. and Israel to be at war with the Middle East for the next hundred years.
3. The American people are a moral, rational, honorable, courageous, and wise people. If given all of the facts about the true nature of U.S. foreign policy and the true nature of the war on terror the American people would see that the masterminds of terror in Washington and Israel are their real enemies, not Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Iran, or the CIA-created Islamist network known as Al-Qaeda.
And so it is in the interest of the corporate-state media and the shadow terrorist states in Washington and Israel that the American people remain mental slaves with no knowledge of the facts about the false flag 9/11 attack, and other atrocities done by the U.S. and Israeli governments.
But the political and social reality in America and the West is changing. The American people are waking up and they know they've been lied to by the government and the press for decades, going back to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Major polls reveal that the vast majority of the American people do not believe the official story about who killed JFK and why.
According to a CBS News/New York Times poll that was done in October, Congress has a public approval rating of 9%. Congress's popularity with the American People is worse than the Kremlin's popularity with the Russian people in the late 1980s.
A 9% approval rating is a pre-Revolution statistic. And members of Congress know it. Hence the treasonous NDAA bill which calls for the illegal detainment of American revolutionaries. It is obvious that congressional traitors and thieves are preparing for social collapse and mass violence in the United States.
If a second American revolution is in the making, Washington and Wall Street won't be the only places where public anger will be directed. Crime Magazine, CNN, Fox News, ABC, NBC, CBS, the New York Crimes, the Washington Post, and other propaganda factories will be drawn into the fire of public debate and political reformation.
It is safe to say that 99 percent of "journalists" and "reporters" have failed to defend the public good and the national interest of America. They are complicit in covering up crimes against America and crimes against humanity that were committed by political and financial miscreants on Pennsylvania Avenue and Wall Street.
Of course, a majority of journalists and reporters are not spies and corrupt propagandists. I could be wrong, but I think most journalists are decent people who are working under a cloud of ignorance, fear, and totalitarian propaganda. America, like Islamist Iran and Soviet Russia, is not a country where you can speak your mind freely and be certain that you won't get fired, harassed, ridiculed, and killed. If you're a journalist you keep quiet about 9/11 truth and play dumb when you're asked about it in public.
Author and historian William Blum wrote about mental slavery in America on December 3, 2011, in an article called, "USrael and Iran":
"If we measure the degree of indoctrination (I'll resist the temptation to use the word "brainwashing") of a population as the gap between what the people believe their government has done in the world and what the actual (very sordid) facts are, the American people are clearly the most indoctrinated people on the planet. The role of the American media is of course indispensable to this process — Try naming a single American daily newspaper or TV network that was unequivocally against the US attacks on Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, Panama, Grenada, and Vietnam. Or even against any two of them. How about one? Which of the mainstream media expressed real skepticism of The War on Terror in its early years?"The silence of the Establishment media about 9/11 truth and other gut-wrenching truths has allowed the alternative media to rise and become the real fourth estate.
If it wasn't for the truth-telling by the alternative media and the "Internet Reformation," Ron Paul's popularity would be considerably less.
The establishment media can black out Ron Paul as much as they like but they will fail in achieving their anti-democratic and anti-American objectives because the arena in which the game is played has changed.
Alternative media outlets on the Internet are increasingly driving the political conversation. The speedy success of Occupy Wall Street and the meteoric rise of Ron Paul were possible because of the alternative media.
The growth and cultural influence of the alternative media cannot be stopped with fair means. So the corrupt Establishment media is responding to their new competition by misrepresenting it, demonizing it, and dismissing it, sometimes doing all three at the same time.
In November, the New York Crimes connected Alex Jones, one of the heroes of the alternative media, to an act of domestic terrorism near the White House. The connection was not based on any evidence. It was pure propaganda.
What has the New York Crimes said about the acts of of state terrorism near the White House on September 11, 2001, when the shadow governments in Washington and Israel declared war on America and humanity? Nothing.
As the moral conscience of America said, "silence is betrayal." Silence is complicity. And because of their decade-long silence about 9/11 truth, the "journalists" inside the New York Crimes and the establishment media have aligned themselves against the American people, against humanity, against freedom, and against the rule of law. That is why they fear the political awakening of the American people and have done everything in their power to prevent its development.