December 9, 2011

Barbara Walters Lies To Syrian President, Says America Has Freedom of Press

An excerpt from the transcript of Barbara Walters's interview with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad:
Walters: Will you allow freedom of expression, freedom of press?

Assad: We already have it.

Walters: You don't have freedom of press, they can't criticize you.

Assad: We have in every-- every society, you have a, like-- I wouldn't call taboo? You have a limit.

Walters: Taboo? Not in mine. We have freedom of press.
LOL. "We have freedom of press." Yeah, okay, whatever you say.

There are no taboos in America and the West? How about 9/11 truth? JFK truth? Pearl Harbor truth? The truth about the corrupt Federal Reserve? There are too many to list. Every society has taboos.

There are political boundaries in America and the West. If you criticize the government in Washington too much you get called a "domestic terrorist" and a "conspiracy theorist."

Walters is not a serious journalist. It is a joke that she is interviewing heads of states.

Watch Alan Hart, a serious journalist, tell the truth about 9/11 and the Western media: