"It’s not a scientific report, it’s a political document," said investigative journalist Seymour Hersh on Democracy Now on November 21, referring to the latest IAEA report about Iran's nuclear program.
The same could be said about the 9/11 Commission report. Philip Zelikow, who served as the Director of the Commission, is an expert at creating public myths. Zelikow was instructed by the neocons in the Bush administration and the overlords in the shadow government to stick to the official version of the 9/11 attacks.
As a storyteller and strategist, Zelikow knew what had to be done. He made sure that 9/11 eyewitnesses who saw or heard explosions near the World Trade Center site were silenced. All alternative explanations of the 9/11 events were to be erased from public memory. At least, that was the attempt of the Commission under Zelikow.
The 9/11 Commission's totalitarian aim to hide the truth about 9/11 from the global public has not worked on everyone. It tried to cover up the reality about the uniform collapse of Building 7, which was not hit by a plane, but it has failed thanks to the hard work done by 9/11 family members, ordinary citizens, and organizations like Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth to bring Building 7 to public attention.
The totalitarian myth-makers in Washington and Israel have lost the infowar. Major psychological change in the global public mind has been achieved by the truth-telling of the 9/11 truth and justice movement. This was not true five years ago, but today it is a fact staring humanity in the face.
Facts don't go down well in the satanic offices in Washington. The rotten and treasonous members of the Establishment are so deluded that they think the sea change in global public opinion about 9/11 can be erased if they simply ignore it in the mainstream press. They believe they can still move forward with their hidden agenda to start World War III in the Middle East and engineer an unprecedented economic collapse in the West.
But these demonic maniacs are mistaken.
The American people and the global public are not falling for 9/11 lie or the drumbeat against Iran by Washington and Tel Aviv.
The propaganda for an Iran war has been destroyed faster than the propaganda for the war against Iraq.
Seymour Hersh, Gareth Porter, Ray McGovern, Pepe Escobar, and millions of other rational voices around the world are calling the latest IAEA report a scam. Even people inside the IAEA, the American military, and the Israeli military do not believe that Iran is building a nuclear bomb.
Hersh told Democracy Now's Amy Goodman on November 21 that "if you asked serious, smart, wise Israelis in the intelligence business — and there are many — "Do you really think, if they got a bomb—and they don’t have one now—they would hit Tel Aviv?" and the answer was, "Do you think they’re crazy? We would incinerate them. Of course not. They’ve been around 2,000 years. That’s not going to happen." Hersh added:
"But there’s an element rationality in the Israeli intelligence community that’s not being expressed by the political leadership. It’s the same madness we have here. There’s an element of rationality in our intelligence community which says, in '07, and it has said it again last year, they don't have the bomb. They’re not making it. It’s at NIE, 16 agencies agreed, 16 to nothing, in an internal vote, before that—they did an update in 2011 on the '07 study and came to the same place. It's just not there."The IAEA's big lie technique is not working as well as U.S. and Israeli policy makers had hoped it would.
In the old golden days of war propaganda, during the Bush administration, the world believed every lie that was told by Washington, especially the lie about 9/11.
The 9/11 Commission under Zelikow can be compared to the IAEA under its new head, Yukiya Amano. Both men oversaw a process whereby a false political narrative was manufactured and scientific evidence was buried to justify U.S.-Israeli wars of aggression.
Why are American political leaders lying on such a large scale about a non-existent nuclear program in Iran? Why are these lunatics itching for a third world war?
One main reason is to stop a second American revolution that is targeting the treasonous Federal Reserve System, the shadow CIA, the military-industrial complex, the criminal banksters on Wall Street, the foreign policy establishment, and the two-party dictatorship.
The terrorist hijackers of the American government believe that the best way to undermine the 9/11 truth and justice movement and end America's revolutionary awakening is by attacking Iran and starting world war three.
An attack on Iran would lead to total chaos in the Middle East, the collapse of the global economy, and, ultimately, a global authoritarian government. Also, the President will be given the opportunity to declare Martial Law and use emergency powers against American citizens.
Paul Joseph Watson reported on Saturday that the U.S. Senate is planning to give the U.S. military the power that every tin-pot dictator claims for himself: the power to arrest citizens without charge or trial. Watson writes:
If Iran is attacked under the pretext that it is developing a nuclear bomb then the hijacked American government will be faced with resistance not just from Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Afghanistan and throughout the Middle East, but especially from the American people who are tired of all the criminal wars that are being fought in their name.The Senate is set to vote on a bill next week that would define the whole of the United States as a “battlefield” and allow the U.S. Military to arrest American citizens in their own back yard without charge or trial.
“The Senate is going to vote on whether Congress will give this president—and every future president — the power to order the military to pick up and imprison without charge or trial civilians anywhere in the world. The power is so broad that even U.S. citizens could be swept up by the military and the military could be used far from any battlefield, even within the United States itself,” writes Chris Anders of the ACLU Washington Legislative Office.
Millions recognize that an attack on Iran by the globalist traitors and war criminals in Washington will also be an attack on American sovereignty and the rights of the American people. The political and economic chaos following an attack on Iran will be used by the elite to completely destroy America's constitution and implement the last stages of the fascist new world order agenda.
But the new world order traitors will fail because the American people and people around the world are aware of their evil plot to destroy the land of liberty and create a global dictatorship.