Tony Cartalucci says in his article, "Turkey Accused of Killing Kurd Leader – Trying to Trigger Civil War in Syria," that Turkey took military action against leading Syrian Kurdish dissident Mashaal Tammo at the behest of Western powers to mobilize Kurdish resistance against the Assad regime.
Thus far, the Kurdish leadership has been on the sidelines in the foreign-led uprising against Damascus but that could change with the killing of Tammo. His death on Friday, October 7, has triggered mass emotions in the Kurdish region and could lead to the further destabilization of Syria by the U.S., NATO, Israel, Turkey, and other regional enemies.
Cartalucci emphasizes the point that Tammo avoided foreign alliances and championed a home-bred democratic movement against Assad's regime, writing:
It should be noted, that out of Syria’s opposition movement, Mashaal Tammo was one of the few leaders opposing foreign meddling in Syria’s affairs, going as far as not attending an opposition confab held in Turkey on this basis. It should be further noted that of all of Syria’s minorities, the Kurds have so far not joined in large scale protests. Western corporate-funded think tanks and media outlets have been fantasizing over the prospect of Kurdish militants joining the US-funded uprising, despite what, up until now, appeared to be their neutral stance.It appears that Tammo is another victim of a foreign-inspired insurrection in Syria. His decision to not embrace the arms of foreign occupiers and imperialist powers cost him his life. But the blame for his murder is being laid at Assad's door with no proof or eyewitness evidence.
Cartalucci points out that Tammo's assassins were masked men, similar to other terrorist assassins who are trained and deployed by the U.S. and NATO to kill influential leaders who oppose their plan for the region.
The Western media is advancing the narrative that the Syrian regime killed Tammo, but that's ridiculous. Why would they kill a man who was against foreign influence and wasn't causing any violent trouble for them? The regime achieves nothing from his death and loses everything. Now they have to face an angry and vengeful Kurdish population. No regime is stupid enough to shoot themselves in the foot by needlessly angering a resentful minority that has so far not caused any big problems.
NATO, US, Turkey, and Israel are the beneficiaries Tammo's assassination. They are intent on instigating violence and bloodshed in Syria in the hopes that the international community will turn against Assad's regime and demand the United Nations to take action to "save the people of Syria from government harm."
The assassinations of opposition leaders like Tammo is one of the tools of intensifying ethnic tensions in Syria and encouraging violence against the regime. Such trickery contributes to the overall goal of a U.S. and NATO invasion of Syria in the name of "humanitarianism" and "democracy."
But the stunt may backfire against the foreign conspiracy to incite ethnic violence in Syria and topple the regime. Omar Aussi, leader of the National Initiative for Syrian Kurds, says the Kurds are aware of the foreign trick to exploit the Kurds in the war against Assad's regime.
The Syrian Arab News Agency published an article on October 9 called "Kurdish Parties Condemn Assassination of Opposition Figure Mashaal Tammo by Terrorists," that highlighted the awareness of Kurdish leaders that foreign funded terrorists are responsible for Tammo's assassination. The article said:
Head of the National Initiative for Syrian Kurds Omar Aussi said that the assassination of the nationalist opposition figure Mashaal Tammo is within the framework of the conspiracy against Syria.In the coming months even more desperate attempts will be made by the U.S., NATO, Turkey and Israel to cause internal division and discord in Syrian society.
In an interview with the Syrian TV, Aussi added that the assassination was executed by external sides and armed terrorist groups in the country in the context of eliminating the political, academic and religious prominent figures and instigating sedition between the Kurds and the state.
He stressed that after those external sides and the armed terrorist groups failed in fulfilling their scheme, they resorted to the acts of destruction, chaos and sabotage.
Syrians must remain steadfast against foreign plots and tricks. If they do not maintain national unity then their country will collapse and they will fall victim to foreign occupiers.