October 6, 2011

At The Gates of The Great Beast: Occupy The Treasonous Fed Revolution Begins in Dallas, Texas

"Treason is a strong word, but not too strong to characterize the situation in which the Senate is the eager, resourceful, and indefatigable agent of interests as hostile to the American people as any invading army could be." – David Graham Phillips, The Treason of the Senate.
On Friday, October 7, 2011, American patriots will gather at the Federal Reserve Bank in Dallas, Texas and at the other Federal Reserve Banks in other cities to send a message to the traitors in power that their treason against America and humanity is coming to an end.

The decision to protest the treasonous Federal Reserve System was spontaneously made on Monday by radio host Alex Jones who will be attending the protest in Dallas, and then will go to similar protests that are being planned in Houston and San Antonio on Saturday and Sunday.

This protest is no small thing. It is a step towards the restoration of freedom, justice, truth and honor in America. The patriots who attend the protest are taking the mask off of the great beast that is destroying America and killing freedom.

The Federal Reserve is a private central bank that is owned by a treasonous international banking cartel but masquerades as an entity belonging to the American federal government. It is not the economic guardian of the American people's common interests, but the economic master that steals and destroys the American people's wealth.

Patriots are demanding the impeachment of all Federal Reserve presidents and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, criminal trials, and the eventual end of the Fed.

The Fed is guilty of the wholesale robbery of the American people and causing the current global financial crisis that will end Western civilization as we know it.

Nelson W. Aldrich, known as the "General Manager of the Nation," was one of the chief architects of the treasonous Federal Reserve System. American journalist and author David Graham Phillips exposed Aldrich's role in impoverishing America and enslaving the American people to an economic elite in his 1906 article for Cosmopolitan magazine called "The Treason of the Senate." Here are some excerpts from that legendary expose of deep corruption and high treason by Philips:
"In vain would "the interests" have stolen franchises, in vain would they have corrupted the public officials of states and cities, if they had not got absolute and unshakable control of the Senate. But, with the Senate theirs, how secure, how easy and how rich the loot!"

"The greatest single hold of "the interests" is the fact that they are the "campaign contributors" − the men who supply the money for "keeping the party together," and for "getting out the vote."

"But the traitor Senate stood firm for its masters; and the House, in terror of Aldrich and his "campaign contributors" accepted what it knew meant temporary political ruin − better offend the short-memoried people than "the interests" that forgive and forget nothing and never. The Aldrich bill was passed and was signed by the President. The party and the President, and Congressman McKinley and all who had had anything to do with the bill went down in defeat − but not Aldrich, secure in his Rhode Island seat, and not any of the senators who were needed by "the interests." And "the interests" got their loot − literally, hundreds of millions a year, every penny of it coming out of the pockets of the people."

"Aldrich is rich and powerful. Treachery has brought him wealth and rank, if not honor, of a certain sort. He must laugh at us, grown-up fools, permitting a handful to bind the might of our eighty millions and to set us all to work for them."

"To relate the treason in detail would mean taking up bill after bill and going through it, line by line, word by word, and showing how this interpolation there or that excision yonder meant millions on millions more to this or that interest, millions on millions less for the people as merchants, wage or salary earners, consumers; how the killing of this measure meant immunity to looters all along the line; how the alteration of the wording of that other "trifling" resolution gave a quarter of a cent a pound on every one of hundreds of millions of pounds of some necessary of life to a certain small group of men; how this innocent looking little measure safeguarded the railway barons in looting the whole American people by excessive charges and rebates. Few among the masses have the patience to listen to these dull matters − and, so, "the interests" and their agents have prosperity and honor instead of justice and jail."
Exactly a century after Phillips's death in 1911, a movement is being born in America that threatens to undo everything the treasonous establishment has worked for in the last century.

It was in the dark of night when the Federal Reserve was created, on an island far, far away from human civilization. Secrecy and public ignorance are the Federal Reserve's greatest allies in its undeclared war against the American people and humanity. But it is not an invincible enemy of the people. The Federal Reserve will be abolished and its directors will be brought to justice by the light of day.

The movement to abolish the Federal Reserve System and other private central banks is one of the most important political movements in our lifetime and in human history. Money is the root of our civilization so any reformation of our societies must begin with returning the power to create money to the government and the people, as Thomas Jefferson and other American revolutionaries advised.

But time is running short. We are approaching midnight. Humanity is leaning towards the abyss of history. The war against private central banking and usury is a great twilight struggle. At the end of the day this is a battle between heaven and hell, good and evil, freedom and slavery.

The evil bankers in charge of the Federal Reserve Beast are determined to destroy the American constitution, abolish all sovereign nation states, and annihilate human freedom forever. A few years ago they were confident that they would be successful in conquering the world economically and turning all nations into slave states part of a private corporate world government.

Bu these days they are afraid of a great power awakening and emerging from under their feet - the power of the American people, and the people of all nations that are victims of their treasonous financial schemes.

If the American people ever stand shoulder to shoulder with the traitors who control the Federal Reserve and the federal government they will get rid of them in a short period of time. Nothing can hold back the spirit of resistance that is awakening in the American people. As Alex Jones said on his radio show on October 6, "Revolution is in the air. The spirit of 1776 is being reborn in our republic."

A global 1776 revolution will bring an end to the Federal Reserve System and the plan for world domination by the criminal banksters and financial terrorists. These traitors against humanity are guilty of destroying our countries with economic means and making hundreds of millions of human beings into debt slaves. The common sense thing to do is to 1) Bring these international criminals to justice, and 2) End their illegal monopoly power to print money and lend it to governments at usurious interest rates.

The patriots in Dallas and other cities who will bring public attention to the Private Federal Reserve Crime Syndicate are on the right side of history. Victory is on their side. The American founding fathers are with them. The ghosts of John F. Kennedy and Andrew Jackson are with them. Mankind's greatest poets and legislators are with them. And, above all, the heavens are with them.