September 17, 2011

Trevor Paglen's Interviews & Lectures

Trevor Paglen is a geographer, artist, photographer, writer, and a researcher at the University of California at Berkeley. His work deals with the secret world of classified military areas, CIA black sites, secret U.S. government projects, and hidden facilities. He brings the shadow government to light.

Paglen is the author of "I Could Tell You But Then You Would Have to be Destroyed by Me," and "Blank Spots on the Map: The Dark Geography of the Pentagon's Secret World." His newest book is called, "Invisible: Covert Operations and Classified Landscapes." And his website is

Below I've posted some of his interviews and lectures that he has given about the nature of his unusual and very important work.

Authors@Google: Trevor Paglen

KQED Spark - Trevor Paglen

Trevor Paglen and Lesley A. Martin on Invisible

GRITtv: Off the Map and Outside the Law

Media Roots Interview with Black Ops/Secrecy Researcher Trevor Paglen

The Intel Hub - Trevor Paglen Interview