September 10, 2011

Is President Barack Obama Sane, Or Is He A Demonic Psychopath?

Is President Barack Obama Sane, Or Is He A Demonic Psychopath?

Saman Mohammadi
The Excavator
September 10, 2011

President Barack Obama made another embarrassing gaffe in his jobs speech on Thursday, September 8, when he said Abraham Lincoln founded the Republican party. "Such a gaffe," says Timothy Birdnow, "would have brought huge amounts of ridicule and derision on George W. Bush, but in the case of Obama the media yawned." Birdnow showed two transcripts of the President's remarks, one by the New York Times which contained Obama's error and one by PBS that censored it.

Making mistakes is nothing new for Barack Obama. He routinely has memory problems and gets his history wrong. It happens way too often for it to be normal. It is obvious that the President is mentally unbalanced in a serious way, and his poor brain functioning is a bad reflection on the reputation of the United States.

It doesn't matter if Obama makes a few mistakes here and there. It is human nature to be imperfect. But the fact that Obama can't form words into sentences without using a teleprompter is a disturbing sign that this man is incompetent and not worthy to be a leader of such a great nation.

This is not news, I know. Everyone has realized by now that Obama is brain dead when a script is not placed before him. And even when he uses a teleprompter he still comes off as a bumbling fool.

Here is a brief list of Obama's memory mistakes and gaffes:
---- At a political event he said he visited 57 states in America, without pausing to correct himself.
---- At Westminster Abby in England, Obama signs the wrong date in the notebook.
---- At a political campaign event in Virginia in the 2008 presidential election, Obama has trouble gathering his thoughts and forming a sentence.
---- At a political campaign event in the 2008 presidential election, Obama lies about his uncle being in the army and America liberating the concentration camps in Germany.
---- At Buckingham Palace, Obama makes a huge gaffe.
There are many more instances that clearly shows that something is wrong in Obama's head. The mental wiring is screwed up.

I always wondered how leaders can tell big lies to the people with straight faces. Obama does it pretty well, but only because he reads off a script. On his toes, under pressure, in front of a jury, Obama will sink under his own lies.

Cheney and Rumsfeld smirk when they lie. So does Bush. They get off on fooling the people and portraying themselves as great leaders.

America is led by people who are insane and evil. Obama and Bush could be psychopaths, but I don't have the psychological expertise or even the amateur knowledge to make that diagnosis. There is certainly something wrong with these politicians who tell lies for a living and love fooling hundreds of millions of people.

Robin of Berkeley has written some great articles about Obama's mental instability. Read the article, "Obama Is a Stranger in a Strange Land," as well as, "A Shrink Asks: What's Wrong with Obama?"

Peggy Noonan wrote an interesting article about Obama lack of emotion and loyalty called, "Slug the Obama Story 'Disconnect'," on January 15, 2010, in the Wall Street Journal. She wrote:
"There is a disconnect, a detachment, a distance between the president's preoccupations and the concerns of the people. There's a disconnect between his policy proposals and the people's sense, as expressed in polls, of what the immediate problems are."
Simon Y. Feuerman, a psychotherapist and writer for Psychology Today, wrote an article on June 16, 2010 called "Obama's Terrible Speech," making similar criticisms. Feuerman said:
President Obama's bloodless quality about people and events, the emotional detachment that his aides said allowed him to see things more clearly, has instead obscured his vision. It has made him unable to understand things quickly on a visceral level and put him on the defensive in this spring of our discontent, failing to understand that Americans are upset that a series of greedy corporations have screwed over the little guy without enough fierce and immediate pushback from the president.
Obama probably has a grand vision of history, with himself in the center of upcoming crises and global emergencies, but as an actor speaking for the oligarchy, not as an agent of change, peace and freedom.

A man in his position has to emotionally, mentally and physically distance himself from the people in order to feel less guilty about committing historic acts of betrayal and treason. In his eyes he is not a shaper or mover of history, thus bearing any responsibility for mass atrocities is not his concern.

My guess is that Obama sees himself as a speaker of history, somebody who performs the job of moving the dark apocalyptic show along and putting up appearances for the masses, while the power elite behind him secretly guide his radical policies and tell him what to do and say.

"If a psychiatric and scientific enquiry were to be made upon our rulers," said Alfred Korzybski, the Polish-American philosopher, "mankind would be appalled at the disclosures." Other people have made similar observations about the state of Western politics and Western leadership.

Rome had Nero. Germany had Hitler. Russia had Stalin. Spain had Franco. Chile had Pinochet. And America has Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Obama. But there is an important difference to make. Nero, Hitler and Stalin were criminal masterminds and intelligent tyrants who rose to the heights of power because of their own skills, abilities and talents. Bush, Cheney and Obama are put into power and told what to do.

American presidents and leading politicians are not totalitarian leaders who have masterminded acts of horrific evil, instead they are, as Webster Tarpley has said in various interviews, public relations representatives for the invisible totalitarian government that controls Washington from behind the scenes.

Obama, Cheney, and Bush have personality disorders and mental illnesses, otherwise they couldn't function at their jobs and or even enjoy it. And no doubt they share responsibility for the false flag 9/11 attacks, the 9/11 cover-up, and the criminal war on terror, but public anger should be directed at the system of empire that is bleeding America and the world dry.

It's hard to be mad at talking puppets on a string. Especially puppets who have emotional and brain damage, and heart problems like Cheney, Bush and Obama. I don't feel anger towards these professional liars, I think they're manipulative and evil who lead a sad existence. They're not the masterminds of 9/11, the war on terror, and the unjust new world order. They're just sad and empty people who desire political power and crave attention.

I never agree with Rush Limbaugh on anything but he was onto something when he said Obama appeared "demonic" in several photos. He said:
"These pictures, they look demonic. And I don't say this lightly. There are a couple pictures, and the eyes, I'm not saying anything here, but just look. It is strange that these pictures would be released....It's very, very, very strange. An American president has never had facial expressions like this. At least we've never seen photos of an American president with facial expressions like this."
Of course, Bush Sr., Cheney, Rumsfeld and Bush Jr. are demonic too. You have to be demonic to speak for a demonic empire and a shadow government in Washington that treats the American people and people around the world like lab rats.

Ron Paul will never be allowed to be president because he is too good and normal for the job. A sick and deranged person like Rick Perry, Mitt Romney and Michele Bachmann has a much better chance of adjusting to life in the Oval Office.

The German poet and novelist Hermann Hesse said that "at certain times the demonic erupts into mankind not only secretly, among criminals and psychopaths, but openly and on a large scale; it takes on a political life and sweeps whole nations off their feet," (Hesse: Reflections; pg. 11).

The demonic is alive and well in Washington. There is a cult of death and deception that includes the President of the United States and senior political leaders who speak for the invisible totalitarian government. And what they have in mind for America and humanity is beyond our worst nightmares.