August 22, 2011

We're Entering A Time of Lawlessness! - Alex Jones

Alex Jones:

"It is going to be absolutely horrible. We're going to have to watch the murderers, the social engineers who've done the attacks, grandstand as our saviours.

And as the public gets scared during a depression and during a war, they think you're going to go along with their takeover of America.

And it's time for every radio talk show host, every police officer, every pastor, every college professor, every school teacher, every doctor, every lawyer, every auto mechanic, every farmer, every rancher, every factory worker . . I don't care what you do. . to count the cost, to face history, to realize that while we've been tuned into a false reality of football and celebrity, and all the rest of it that people are such experts on, that reality has been going on all around you.

While you're busy out in the middle of a field watching a television, and you think that television is the only thing in the world, you didn't hear the wolves howling.

Now, the wolves are all around you, in the dark, and you can look out from the glow of the t.v. in the middle of this field we're in collectively, and see their eyes and hear their growling. And the television is telling you "Those are friends. Lay down. Show them your neck, they want to lick it. . Lay down, the wolves are here to help." And many Americans are going "Okay, alright, here's my neck." And we watch as Americans are grabbed by the wolves and drug out into the night.

Good people have to get together around a code of ethics and ideas and defend those, or civilization always falls.

One of the globalists's biggest problems to handle is how do they balance the countries their looting and how do they keep safe havens for themselves to move to after they've totally destroyed societies. They want to play the military-industrial complex foot soldiers; the police, the military, the private contractors, off against the American people.

But the thirty pieces of silver you're being given to carry out the destruction of America, the convergence of America to a third-world dictatorship of the plutocrats, . . you're destroying your own nest, your own future, your children's future. You are selling your birthright for nothing."